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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with On Running
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Jon Ciorciari (Jonny Rod) is the founder of JRod Productions. He is a Five Towns College graduate with over 25 years experience as a professional performer &15 years experience as professional engineer working with a diverse roster of artists. JRod is a multi-instrumentalist with the unique ability to capture and bring to life your musical ideas.
Live recording, mixing studio.
John Scovell is here to care for and nurture your music. He shall grow a tree of sound to give shade and rest for your weary head.
I can make your music sound thunder powerful.
Enthusiastic, nerdy and perfectionist! If you want to record clarinet/bass cl. or need mixing/mastering services, make sure to book a coffee with me to talk about your project and how to make it express its best potential!
Need an infectious hook or even entire song? My melodies have garnered millions of streams, so look no further I guess :)
500+ Million Spotify Streams, Multi-Platinum producer, mixing and mastering engineer. I have been working in the industry professionally for over 20 years with major labels and International artists. My approach to every project is focused on attention to detail to bring the artist's vision to life.
Recent Successes
"Emily did a great job bringing my song to the next level! She responded quickly and was very professional. Best of all, she really listened to my ideas and was respectful in the process. Thank you!"
"Detailed, authentic and professional. I highly recommend Harry. "
"I am very satisfied to have chosen Austin as my mixing/mastering engineer for my first song. The quality of the work was at the very top for the price paid and he was very quick and made sure I was happy with the resu..."
"I hired Frank to sing, create the music and mix my country duet and he did a phenomenal job all around! Frank has such a great voice and he put a lot of effort in this project and it really shows! Can't say enough abo..."
"Let’s just say, there was no one better than Jordan to bring my song to life!! He completely exceeded me expectations! It’s amazing how different is it to actually work with a professional and someone who has worked w..."
"Absolutely outstanding singer and just as good with the lyrics and songwriting. Jaime is one of those writers that just "gets" it and delivers top level stuff every time without any need for guidance. She committed he..."
"Anthony is a talented musician and vocalist. He has a versatile voice that can fit in several music genres. Also an experienced creative musician with high skills in guitar, piano, and mixing. More of what i liked..."
"Lorenzo did another amazing job. He brought our song fully to life in the most professional sounding and polished way. "