Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Omri Guetta
Based in Paris and Valencia (Esp), this studio offers services on mix, additive production, musical composition, arrangements, digital mastering and advisory specialised in contemporary electronic music.
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I'm Daniel, AKA Dan-Drama. I'm North-America's official representative for Image-Line/FL Studio and hundreds more. I Went to school for Audio Engineering / Music Production at Metal Works Institute of sound in Ontario Canada.
Black Diamond Studio it’s a modern recording studio based in Genoa, Italy. Combining analog and digital technologies and using five different rooms composed by two control rooms and tree recording rooms acoustically treated in different ways we reach the best quality sound and products delivering our works in a very short time.
Hello! My name is Maygen. I have been singing for 20 years & have lots of experience in the studio with lead vocals & harmonies. I have millions of streams of my music on digital platforms and would love to sing for you too! I put my heart and soul into every project I take on and it is my main focus until it is finished to your liking.
www.EDMGhostProducers.com - We make music for a living. We specialize in EDM, Electronic, Electro House, Big Room House, EDM Trap, Future Bass, and a few others of similar style.
I have met 2 Long term relationships (women) after reading WellHello review. 1 lived on the Jersey shore 1 year 3 months. The other who I am seeing now for almost 1 year lives in Waterbury Ct. I lived with them both. I also had very good luck with just casual dating on this site.
John Wright is a drummer and electronic music producer creating full instrumental productions with programmed drums and live drum tracks.
I'm a multi-instrumentalist with experience in guitar, bass, vocals, and banjo. Classically trained vocalist and experienced live musician. Currently earning a bachelor's degree in music.
Recent Successes
"5 Stars for this producer! Great communication, easy to work with and he delivers professional work! Thank you Harryson! "
"Mark is very easy to work with and the quality of his mixing and mastering is superb. He really gets the best out of your music. Can't recommend him highly enough. "
"Michael is a rare breed. An artist's soul with a highly adaptive and commercial mind. The added bonus is he's also a great guy and highly responsive. It was a pleasure Michael and I look forward to next time! "
"Not only does Erin have an amazing voice...but she's an awesome person and client! She worked fast, communicated well, and was very kind and easy to work with. If you're looking for a great female vocalist, hire Erin!"
"Aaron's work never fails to impress me. I am always satisfied with his mastering work--he always leaves me with something I can be proud to showcase. "
"I loved working with Idan ... he is friendly, patient, has great communication skills and musical knowledge. He gets involved in the project and gives the song the attention and time it deserves."
"I don't know where to start. Bram is freaking amazing. Very detail orientated. He listens to instructions well, adding his unique touch to your tracks. I recommend"
"Incredibile Musician, Super Transparent and a joy to work with :)"
"Adam is so easy to work with. Gets the job done quickly and the communication during the process is on point. You need a drummer, this guy is an excellent musician! Highly recommend!!! "
" Z!! With a masterclass on tuning and mixing this hardrock monster of a song!! It’s called Grit of the Dirt and it’s got plenty of grit! Ziv really is so good at what he dose in every step of song-building. Fro..."