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Okemos Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I have over 25 years Live Audio mixing experience, and I would like to share it with everyone and create successful, professional, fun, memorable events!!
Hi! I'm a Grammy Nominated music producer who specializes in Pop, R&B, and Remixes. I'd love to work with you on getting that amazing sound!
High-quality, remote digital mastering, mixing, trumpet, and electric bass work for clients located anywhere in the world! Specializing in Reggae, Jazz, Soul, Indie, and Singer-Songwriter genres.
Wondering how to get more views on Youtube? Buy YouTube Subscribers, likes and views from us. We can help you in buying targeted YouTube subscribers at cheap rates. Contact us now and grow! With higher levels of subscribers, YouTubers can start earning money with brand partnerships or sponsorships.
Hey! My name's Craig aka Nello. I'm a professional producer/songwriter and touring musician that attended the USC Thornton School of Music for Guitar Performance. I've been playing guitar, piano, and have been songwriting most of my life. I work with all types of music but I specialize in pop, rock, alternative, metal, & hip hop.
My main focus is editing, mixing and mastering for new and inexperienced artists but I pick up on just about anything I can get ahold of. I'm here to help complete your vision, even if you aren't completely sure what it is yet. Let's breathe life into this world together.
I feel very lucky... throughout my career I have worked with Jamaican legends who approve my way of working, providing unique techniques of the style. DubWise and wicked alternative versions are my specialty! Yes! The most important for me, the connection between the Artist and the Engineer... Guaranteed results! Let's do it!
Skilled composer and producer will amp your project up with guitar, piano/keys, ukulele, synths and/or MIDI instruments. My specialty is genre-fusing instrumentation and scores/soundtracks. Experience: 20+ years performing musician 15+ years recording, producing 4 years teaching musical technique and theory
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure to work with Joe, highly recommended. Would like to come back for another track. Easy to work with, very kind, patient and professional"
"Maria Z is the best! She nailed the melody and gave my song the sound I was hoping for. She is a quick study and very professional. Plus, she is bilingual. She sang both Spanish and English on my song and did a gr..."
"I love to work with Jenny - always in a good mood and dives into the project with love :) anytime again and thanks "
"Matt, has been extremely responsive, quick and supportive in our project and had a great result. Exactly what we needed. Thank you Matt ! "
"Martin really allows your vocals and melody to shine, above everything else in his production approach. He's tasteful in the instrument choice, really has a clear direction sonically, and is willing to be flexible in ..."
"Hunter was super professional and beyond talented. Hit the mark in every way and brought little unique flairs (all within the melody) that brought the song to life. Will hire again soon!"