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Oildale Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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J'aime la perfection.
Hi there, my name is Stephen ward, better known as MLS, i am a Music producer specialising in drum n bass and house music, if you need a beat made for you please do get in touch i would be over the moon to help
Hey I'm Aryaka Shukla I'm a Singer and a Musician.
I'm a musical jack of all trades with a specialty in music as a means of storytelling. I worked for two years on the National Tour of Jersey Boys and recently produced and orchestrated the original Off-Broadway cast recording of Stranger Sings: The Parody Musical.
I'am an urban beat maker and audio engineer. Study in Universidad de Xalapa.
I'm a versatile and steady drummer with over 30 years experience and the equipment to record both acoustic and electric drums.
It's about your vision and nothing else. Warm sounds with lush vibes, strong presence and a certain depth are my to go to sound aesthetics. Focusing more on Indie, Hip-Hop, Lo-Fi, Shoegaze, Grunge and Psychedelic Rock.
Participacion en produccion, mastering y composicion en diversos proyectos con Rimas entertainment, Sony music, warner music.
Recent Successes
"Courtney is a very professional singer with a brilliant attitude to the job. Her workflow is flexible and turnaround extremely quick. Absolute pleasure to work with. "
"Joseph is an extremely talented singer. Great to talk to & got what I needed done to a very high standard in just one take literally a couple of days after commencing. Highly recommend & will definitely work with him ..."
"Andrés is an incredible mixing and mastering engenieer. He did an amazing job with my song! First of all, he did a great job teaching me about my mix, he evaluated what my mix was like before working on it and what I..."
"Jason mixed another 3 songs for my album. Again, great pleasure to work with him and honestly - my acoustic guitars have never sounded this good. I'm extremely happy with the results."
"She's the best jazz vocal. Her voice is so attractive, mature, and she has a lot of musical sensitivity. I'd love to work with her again."
"Julian once again delivered an outstanding performance!"
"Aubrey was terrific. It's a big challenge to work virtually, but, after a very good first pass, she was willing to take the time to re-track the song to make it exactly how I imagined. Highly recommended. Hear the ..."