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Odesa Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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DJ Goodnight Recording Studio is the only choice trusted by numerous local artists. Try the superior recording and affordable prices available with us today.
With over 25 yrs of industry experience, I am a vocalist (w/4+ octave range), songwriter, vocal producer, certified vocal coach, & artist developer.
10 years Audio Engineering Experience. Sounds cooler than it is. I'm good at what i do.
Nashville based engineer. I care about the song.
singer, songwriter, composer based in london, uk. looking for people to jam, perform, write and record music with,,can't embed a video on this thing no matter what i do, so here it is:,http://youtu.be/OVf9Ej1qbml,,soundcloud.com/tommymolotov
I produce music for Pop and rap artist. I also make covers for artist.
20+ successful commissions, 4x ghost production
I help thoughtful indie artists create their own unique universe through mixing
Recent Successes
"Amy Brett is a lovely girl and a pleasure to work with. The quality of her work is superb, and generally she does it really fast! She has no problem writing lyrics and performing them and I would thoroughly recommend ..."
"Yianni continues to prove himself to be a very talented and versatile producer and I really enjoy working with him! I look forward to many future projects."
"Very impressed by Matt's attention to detail and patience through out the process. Would definitely recommend! "
"Dr. Ford was outstanding. He was very quick in responding. What I liked most is that he approached my song as his own and took the time to sip through the 50+ tracks I gave him and made sense of it all. In the end, he..."
"Another teaching session with Klaas is done. He is an amazing teacher. :) Thank you!"
"amazing job!! Thank you Leo:)"
"Her vocal is amazing as always. Highly recommended"
"So happy to have found Randall, as a vocalist—MY MAN! His turnaround time was close to zero. My producer ask me, today, to say a special thanks for his greatness. But secretly I know it nearly killed him not to say,..."
"Amazing singer with great creativity in lyrics and melodies. Would definitely love to work with Elsa on more tracks!"
"Great singer and very nice guy!"
"Shannon is tremendous. This is my third time working together with her and she continues to outdo herself, not only with her incredible vocal abilities but also her willingness to make sure that things are exactly wha..."