Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with October8
With a gift for crafting ethereal, minimalist compositions, her voice resonates with a haunting beauty. As a seasoned topline creator, she's collaborated with producers worldwide, infusing their tracks with unforgettable hooks and emotive depth.
Mixing, Mastering and Remix at the best price.
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If you don't like the song I write for you...You'll absolutely LOVE IT 😉.
Along with this problem has emerged a growing questions about the objectivity of the whole research paradigm and many critics are stressing that there is objectivity in scientific-social research because in theory it is a problematic concept and in practice is impossible.
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I love good music, is not the genre that matters, is the way you do what you do. I love adding something mine to the music like a producer but I can be also a sound engineer who makes the job without interfering with the artistic direction.
French producer & Loppmaker
My name is Roei Zoar, and I specialize in turning good music into great music. Whether you have a voice memo idea on your phone, or a full song that you need mixed and mastered, I’m your guy. Once you take a listen to my music, I think that will speak for itself. I can produce literally every genre but I specialize in EDM, Pop and Hip Hop.
Introduction: 🎵 Welcome to the sonic realm where creativity meets precision! I'm Marko, a passionate and innovative music producer committed to transforming your musical vision into an unforgettable auditory experience. With a proven track record of delivering cutting-edge productions, I'm here to take your music to new heights.
Elevate your sound with a music producer who brings proven expertise to the table. Recently, I crafted the immersive sound design for the xEVA VR lunar simulation, enhancing astronaut training with lifelike audio for moon traversal. Let’s create a unique sonic experience for your project—contact me today to get started!
Recent Successes
"Yoad is incredibly professional: he meets the timelines he sets with ease, communicates quickly & efficiently, and is technically incredible as a mixer. But he also exceeded our expectations by delivering a technical..."
"Andres is always amazing to work with - he once again took care of my track and the final product is something I’m really happy with<3 Andres & his team are always a pleasure to work with and I’m happy knowing my t..."
"Joey’s unparalleled creativity, and amazing vocal are what I needed most. Joey completed my project with his finesse. Joey first identifies the core of the song, work around the core, and gives 120% of what he’s got! ..."
""client comes first" — the ever-so-common catch phrase. Brandon, however, delivers on this through action, not just promise. Throughout the process, Brandon was extremely professional, communicative, and went above an..."
"Super awesome editing and great person :D"
"Pleasure working with Pat. Efficient and always delivers. Highly recommend. "
"Iam working a long time with Scott, he is such a nice guy and a professional singer. He always satisfy me with his work. "
"Singer with Soul and Heart! Marcello comes to every job with pure intent and delivers powerful melodies, great energy and breathes new LIFE to every song I bring him. He's a pro with a heart and uses INTUITION t..."
"Fili is a great person! And good engineer. He has patient try to take care your project."