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Oak Ridge Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I can provide both creativity and technical ability to realize your project.
Top pitch
I have 5 years of experience in music production , mixing and mastering
I can sing most genres, have won many singing competitions such as the wollongong eisteddfod. I have been singing for over 10 years.
The girl you knew you needed.
Entertainment contents provider for ethical and creativity base business minds Professional billboard charting Songwriter, Lyricist & Scriptwriter
Promising music producers trusted by many local artists and brands who works passionately for the audio product.
Stereo and Atmos Mixing Engineer
Recent Successes
"Best Studio for mixing and mastering services <3 Will work with you again"
"Bobby is an amazing fiddle player! loved how he took my project and produced some great fiddle tracks and did it so quickly. hope to work on some more projects in the future"
"Malachi is a night and day difference of what kind of sound can be made pairing up with the right person, that can sit down and appreciate you as an artist on a "realer" level, and really steer you towards the best so..."
"Ben is the... BE...ST !!! Again !! Very cool guy, amazing singer and musician, top pro and lyricist! It's always a big luck to work with him! Thanks thanks again man ๐๐"
"Another great experience working with Scott,great communication,work fast, great sounds also good personality "
"First time working with Austin and what a fantastic, creative remix he delivered, taking the song to another level and far exceeding my expectations. Top job, top remix and super simple to work with"
"Tom was communicative, professional and delivered on my pretty specific asks. He's a nice guy and I enjoyed working with him!"
"Abby was awesome to work with!! She's so talented, so kind and provided exactly what I was looking for, we made an amazing song together. Highly recommended :)"