Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with O'Brian
I'm a HipHop producer specialized in giving your project that fresh sound you are looking for, the one I'm an expert at, it's Trap. I produce, mix and master.
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Full-service professional recording studio located in scenic Shutesbury, MA in the Pioneer Valley. Can handle musical groups of any size. Engineer plays keyboards and horns, which he can add to your songs. Rate is $45/hour.
Support from Tiesto, NERVO, Fedde Le Grand + more. Can help with mix, production, and master of your tracks.
Hi, I'm Thomas from Berlin and I'd be glad to help you with anything musical. My skills include vocals, guitar, mandolin and ukulele as well as songwriting, producing and mixing.
This over the top psychedelic guitarist is ready to lay the deepest pocket on your track and bring you into a musical galaxy you've never visited with celestial guitar sounds you thought didn't exist.
Produced and mixed albums featured in Rolling Stone. Unlimited, free mix revisions. $150 single mix and master SoundBetter deal!
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I offer premium quality mastering. Clients Include: Spinnin' Records Asia, Warner Music, Samsung, Microsoft & many more.
Recent Successes
"Yoed has become a regular collaborator, hugely talented cellist who takes your ideas of the cello part and turns it into something really special. He's the cellist you're looking for. "
"Emilio very quickly completed a brilliant interpretive demo track. His creativity and musicianship are boundless and surpassed only by his enthusiasm. Always a pleasure working with him. Thank you, Emilio!"
"Second time now working with Turner. Overall a great and professional experience. He's very knowledgeable about mixing and helps you get the sound you want. Super quick turnaround on revisions and he's willing to go t..."
"Simon is a pleasure to work with! He's made brilliant contributions to every one of our collaborations, and he's extremely professional and accommodating as well. I look forward to working with him further! "
"Top-1 vocalist on that platform. His voice AND amazing working ethics really show that he is a top league pro. Pleasure working with Brandon every single time - looking forward to working again and again soon!"
"I'm not a good review writer, but this is the best recording engineer of the year! He is very focused, willing to take on, happy to answer any questions that I had. A very good start and more work sessions will be on ..."
"Amazing, didn't even need a revision, he did everything I asked for. I will definitely be coming back for his services!"