Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Noée
From major to indie artist, I enjoy translating the purpose of the song in its best sonic signature. (Ofenbach, Kanoe, Feder, Colt, Trois Cafés Gourmand, New York Times, etc...)
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You write lyrics, but don't necessarily want to sing them or rap them, we can help. I can Rap your lyrics professionally and make your ideas become a hit song, let's work.
I am Jon Ian Clarke Aka ‘ The Genie ‘ I have been writing , Recording , Performing & producing for over twenty five years . I am a multi - Instrumentalist ; A competent drummer , as well an excellent guitarist & bass player , with a unique singing voice , & acute ear for rhythm , timing ; & catchy melodies . The genre I specialise in is Britpop ,
I will work with you to compose and produce the music that YOU want to put out. I am happy when my client is happy!
RMG Staffing is a leading Miami staffing agency.
Bassist with 15+ years studio experience, songwriter’s sensibilities & a keen ear for production value. Recording credits as a bassist include: Jz James (A Great Notion) Elijah Tucker (Saturn) Hee Young (So Sudden) Danica Dora (Lonely You) Joe Wulff (ghost under Water) Preslisa (There’s So Much World to See) & many more.
I'm a 24 years old graduate sound engineer. Do mixing and mastering is what I love. My sound signature is a blend of analog punch/warmth and perfection of digital. Hope to work with you!
Do you want to add an innovative touch to your music? As a specialist in experimental music production, I can take your music to unimaginable places. With my innovative approach, we can create a unique masterpiece. From custom sound design to the creation of unique atmospheres. Let's make your craziest ideas come true.
Semi-professional mix and mastering services. Transform your music into sonic gold! Professional mixing & mastering services tailored to your sound. Elevate your tracks today. Unlock the full potential of your music with my mixing & mastering services. Professional quality tailored to your unique sound. Let's make your tracks shine!
Recent Successes
"I am so proud to say that Philip Bynoe played on my songs. It has been a fantastic experience to work with him again. He delivers great basslines quick. Highly recommended."
"Great to have recorded 'You'll Live And Learn' with Michael McQuaid, powerful voice that brings a great sound to the recording, reliable and a decent professional to work with. LeeJCluskey "
"Andres work is beautiful!!! 🔥🔥🔥. The songs are clear, in your face and smacking - I love the energy!!! I got goosebumps listening through the album after it came back from him. "
"Another excellent vocal performance by Brittany. As usual she was prompt and professional and added some dynamic touches to the vocals based on my very basic guide track. Well done."
"Another great bass track from Myles! This time we went electric for a more rockin' tune, and Myles delivered! It's always a pleasure to work with Myles. Communication is easy and the end product is always phenomenal! "
"I am highly satisfied with the collaboration! The process was uncomplicated and fast, with every detail addressed perfectly. She has an incredibly good voice and truly brought my vision to life. This definitely won't ..."