Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with NicoBackingTracks
I'll instrument your songs
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Hello, we're a multi-room facility in Hannover, Germany - just a few hours from Hamburg and Berlin!
I am a Nashville-based guitar player, singer, songwriter, producer and engineer. I am also the co-owner of Me and the Machine Records (est. 2006).
A great mixing and mastering service for unsigned to signed artists. You will be involved every step of the way, making sure you get the end product you are looking for.
We Take The Our Time To Deliver A Superior Sound
Globally-Charted EDM/Pop Vocalist, Songwriter, & Producer signed to labels like Groove Bassment & Uprise Musics' Future Cuts with Vocal Pack’s currently on Sonic Academy, Renraku Global Media, & Zenworld’s Evolution of Sounds!
I'll instrument your songs
That creative & emotive pro sound you're looking for. As a producer I create tasteful but unique sounds that support the song story. As an electric guitarist I can add ambience & texture. As a mixer I have honed my craft over many years, and many thousands invested in analog gear. I can take you where you want to go.
Think Lindsey Stirling, but a vocalist.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic. He does an exceptional job"
"This is the second track Aubrey and I worked on together and I loved the process. My little song idea ended up sounding even better than I thought it would! Instrumentation, production and the recording session itself..."
"OMG!!!!!! Nacho just knocked the song out of the ballpark. He it a homerun!!!!!! Not only is his voice absolutely gorgeous but he is extremely professional, fast turn a round and the quality of the vocals sonically a..."
"Authentic, Improvisational, Down to Earth and Real. This guy is excellent and goes beyond reasonable expectations. "
"Nthnl added unique flute sound to my song. He's a flute specialist, who add another dimension to the track. Great communication and super encouraging. "
"This was my 2nd time working with Josh. Now that we've done some work together already, he knows the vibe of my music and we were achieved a great mix very quickly on this tune. Talented and professional mixer!"
"Our experience working with Cheshy was second to none. From our first exchange, Cheshy exemplified a promptness, professionalism, and understanding that was unmatched. Couple that with her one of a kind talent, Cheshy..."
"Love Bram! One of the fastest and loudest mastering in the game!"
"Again here for another project with Jen and again no words: she is truly an amazing professional. She changed the flow of the song and she helped me to find the right sound for a very important project. I am looking ..."