Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Neptoonz
Let's take your song to the next level. All tracks deserve love and that's why you're here.
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With some of the best mixing engineers and music producers in Toronto, MH Studios prides itself in offering exceptional audio services to indie artists, record labels, and businesses small and large. With over 60 years of collective experience in the industry work with our award-winning songwriters, engineers, producers to craft your next hit song.
Music production, mixing and recording.
I can convert what you had in your mind to what you can listen in your ears.
Box Hill graduate engineer with 7 years of experience specializing in all Pop genres, Hip Hop, Indi & EDM just to name a few. George Charra has also worked alongside some of Melbourne’s most influential figureheads like Jack The Bear (Mastering Engineer), Zac Waters (Producer & Mixing Engineer), and Danny Bonnici (Producer/Engineer)
Hey there! I'm Patriks Peterson (Elviss Patriks Pētersons), a passionate and experienced musician, songwriter, and producer with a deep love for music and several years of experience in the industry.
Please listen 'Before and After Demo' to understand how I work. In the first two song I did only Mastering, in the third I did Mixing/Mastering and some arrangement, and in the last one I did only mixing. Enjoy it!
I will create Original Lofi beats / Musics for your needs
Recent Successes
"Chad is seriously the BEST mix engineer in the game!! I’ll be using him from here on out. Quick responses, was willing to make adjustments. He mixed my song perfectly in several hours!! I highly recommend Chad if you ..."
"I had a great experience with Michael. He´s very assertive, knew rapidly what the song needed on drums, executed perfectly with great sound, either on his instrument as his microphones. Hope to work with him again soon!"
"Amazing job done by J-Marin, great producer for the best price possible, professional quality!! 5 stars *****"
"The collaboration with Mattias is one of a kind. With a keen ear for detail, he masterfully crafts my recordings, but he actively thinks and collaborates with me to make the result sound P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Specifically fo..."
"Nate is absolutely wonderful to work with! We needed a remix on a project he poduced for us, and he again delivered exactly what we needed in just one day!! He is so gifted and multi talented ✨✨✨ I cannot recommend h..."
"This was my first time using Soundbetter and the experience was great. I had chosen Yuri to produce my track and I have no regrets. Yuri was fantastic and easy to communicate with which is so important. I would defini..."
"Derran Day really performed on Vocals For My Remake Of "If You Want Me To Stay" by Sly & the Family Stone! Excellent!"
"Great sound engineer! Very easy to work with and able to work with the artist to get it sounding as envisioned. Has a good understanding of the Hip Hop scene."