Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Natalia Szroeder
Musicality is a key, and I'm a specialist in laying down a deep-pocket, groovy, melodic and solid bass lines you need for a song. I'm here to complete your search for a bassline. I've been professional bassplayer and graduated sound engineer for years, so you can trust me.:)
More providers:
I have been mixing & mastering mostly my own music for the past 5 years . I'm mostly self thought but have learned from books and online courses on Mixing & Mastering. My price doesn't mean low quality you can check out my songs and decide. The only reason my price is this low is because I'm new to this website and I'm trying to build relationships
Need the right cook up? Come eat at my kitchen!
I've been working in the business for about 12 years. i went to berklee college of music where I met and worked with Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine at Interscope Records.
I can make your songs sound great.
Musical Production | Mixing and Mastering | Audio Editing | BeatMaker
Welcome to my world of online music mixing and mastering! 🎶 I'm here to help you take your tracks to the next level with professional-grade audio refinement. From balancing the levels to adding that perfect touch of polish, let's make your music sound its absolute best. Get ready to turn up the volume and let the magic happen! ✨"
Solid State Logic console equipped Studio available for recording & mixing. Large live room, excellent outboard & mics!
After 40 years in the business I specialise in rock and acoustic instrument sounds of all kinds, especially guitars, strings and acoustic drums.
Recent Successes
"Chad is above all things a true professional. It is refreshing to engage with not only a platinum producer but moreover a master of the craft who's in tune with one's natural artistic tendencies. Chad always brings ou..."
"amazing! It's so critical in today's fast moving pace that someone "gets it" Shrai got the track from the get go! he works fast, super efficient, and its amazing with taking a vision and materializing it.. know's hi..."
"Zefan, Is an gifted, talanted and amazing producer / arranger. He went above and beyond my expectations i had for this song. I truly appreciate his professionalism and attention to detail. The arrangement and produc..."
"Very thorough. Uses all the advance tools available. Strong ear for style and matching references. Very good mix would definitely work with Iwaro again. "
"Martin did an amazing job on the mix, and in particular he went above and beyond to make sure we were able to tune in the bass perfectly. I'm super happy with the results."