Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with natalia bianco
Synths, pianos and ambient music. Feel free to contact me!! Instagram: @elmisteriosonombre
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Hi, I'm Rosy! Singer/Songwriter/Artist/Vocal Arranger. I have years of experience both live and in studio, and will make sure you get the dynamic, fun or emotional vocal sound you want. I am well versed in many genres, but specialize in Pop, R&B, Soul, Blues, Jazz, Hip Hop, Dance, EDM, Pop/Country, Pop/Rock and Musical Theater.
Music Producer, Sound Designer, Mixing Engineer, Rapper, Singer-Songwriter
Pete Breaker (Alphastate,Solo) available for session work(live,studio and tour)
I help heavy bands and artists sound as crushing on record as they do live
Ewritingpal reviews offer custom academic writing services in USA.
I am a full-time songwriter, musician, and artist based out of Los Angeles, CA. My focus is on songwriting and production. I am open to any and all styles of music but mostly indie-pop and folk. Contact me through the green button above and let's make some amazing music together!
Future is now.
Production, mixing, mastering!
Recent Successes
"Howard Dee ... really a super talent singer ... thanks your heart of singing on my New Christmas Song 👍👍"
"Mark is everything you can ask for in a musician, he really understands music. He is fast, friendly and an extremely talented bass player. Five stars!"
"Excellent work again, Audiostein! The mix and master wrapped up perfectly; he took my notes after the first mix and came back with the results I wanted. Thank you! "
"Nick delivered exactly what I needed in a perfectly timely manner. Easy to work with, straight forward, and the quality of his horns is clear and sat perfectly in my mix!"
"Great job, again! Such a great voice."
"I rely on Mr. Mig to bring out the best of my track. I send him a new song each month for mixing and mastering. We have been working together for years and I always know I'm going to get the best sound I can. He is a ..."
"Austin is the best man. We finished 5 tracks this week on the mix/master end and the songs sound so much better!"
"Enrico understood what I had in mind and the result is really great. He didn't just mix the song but proposed sound solutions that made it more interesting. I recommend his services. We will collaborate again in the ..."
"Elliot did a fantastic job mastering my music. He's enthusiastic and professional, and I always enjoy working with him."