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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MyHoliday
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Artist, Arranger, Engineer, Producer, and All-Around Music Lover.
I can give you folky/singer/songwriter to pop rock/heavy rock -David Bowie/Chris Cornell sounding vocals. I can take your song and put a melody over it. My specialty is to give a slight melancholic sound to the vocals, with strong dynamics. I can give you several versions with different vocal timbres.
I am a producer/engineer who makes quality content! I can make any track come to life and give it that fresh, clean sound you have been looking for!
Brazilian RnB, contemporary pop, boombap and trap producer.
Over 10 years of experience recording, mixing, mastering, vocal tuning and recording top-lines!
Swiss singer and songwriter, Wendy Vezza just finished her bachelor's degree in Vocals at the British and Irish Modern Music Institute (BIMM) in Berlin. After releasing her first EP "Evening Sunrise" in 2018 with her band "Shiva Emergency", she decided to focus on her solo projects as a singer, songwriter, arranger and film composer.
I have many years of experience working through my studio in Dublin, Ireland. We have recorded, mixed and mastered for countless acts and produced a wide array of published tunes across all genres, including over 50 live performance videos for YouTube with over a million views!
I m a new upcomming Producer from Thessaloniki in Greece , i ve worked and be supported by Grey Studio in Athens with a great group of muscician in EDM Stage.
Recent Successes
"Matty is an awesome engineer to work with! Made very intuitive changes in the mixing/mastering process of my album that really helped bring out a higher and more professional quality in my music that until Matty, I th..."
"Judy is sooo amazing! There is really nothing she can’t do. A truly unbelievable talent, can’t wait to work with her again soon. 11 stars! "
"Patrick will add world class groove to your recordings and will take your songs to a whole different level! Don't hesitate! I will be working with Patrick in the near future again! "
"I continue to be delighted every time I work with Calvin. I have also realized that working with him makes ME better at songwriting. Calvin has a deep understanding of lyrics, themes, and melody. Calvin is a true prof..."
"Really enjoyed working with Rudiger on this batch of tunes, so thanks again, mate. Love your voice and your commitment to creating great performances - you fit the material perfectly. A+ professional."
"Krysta works fast and very professional. Her writing skills are outstanding and her voice fitted perfectly to my project. I can unreservedly recommend Krysta's expertise in both songwriting and vocal performing. "
"Gente... La Clase no es Agua!!... Camilo es Top of the mountain... super sonido, Warm, preciso, tight... y cristal! Muy buena concepción de la compresión! Agradecido Hermano!"
"Fantastic working together as always! Very very patient with us throughout the whole project, helped mould the track with his epic production. Ultimate professional and will continue to work with for our ongoing pr..."