Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mundraubmafia
Full Production: Recording/Producing/Mixing/Mastering
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MIXING and MASTERING since 10 years, for costumers in over 50 countrys! Free-Test-Mastering, Tutorials and more!
50x PLATINUM Songwriter, Producer, Mixer, Mastering Engineer ADAM WATTS - I love how honing-in the sonics of a production or mix can raise the bar on the overall impact of a song. It's a deeply instinctual & technical process of extreme attention to detail. I'm not just in-the-box, your song will be enriched by top outboard gear.
Music...Music........Music All Day long Session Guitarist,Arranger,Composer,Producer,Mix-Mastering,
Loic Penillo has started music as DJ in 2008, after winning the best mix competition on the French radio « RTS ». That allowed him to play alongside international DJs such as Laurent Wolf, David Vendetta, Dim Chris, Greg Cerrone, Mathieu Bouthier & Arno Cost, during a concert in the « Arena of Nîmes » in front of 10,000 people.
The E makes The difference!
Hi Musicians, I'm Oliver helping you out with my experience and knowledge to create Radio Ready, Industry Standard Music.
I am a musical prodigy, Producer, Writer, Beatmaker, Sound designer, Mixing Engineer and Mastering Engineer. I can help you with any of your musical needs.
I am a Russian recording, mixing and mastering engineer, musician. I am based in the heart of the Southern Urals. In the land of a thousand lakes, among relic pines and centuries-old mountains. I work in my own Goya Recording Studio.
Recent Successes
"Was a big pleasure to work with Anthony, he is a real professional and manage to make my track sounds commercial. I would recommend him and I am looking forward to work with him again soon!"
"Matt did wonderful work! Took direction well and really captured the essence of the production while translating into a mix. Would definitely work with him again!"
"The delivery was great. Unfortunately, the COVID issue slowed down communication, but overall the effort used for this initiative was very professional and I would highly recommend / seek Satomi's assistance again. "
"Excellent producer and mixer who adds life to any production! Took my idea that I had to a whole new level and I’m excited for my next project with him."
"Working with Brent was a fantastic and easy experience. Not only is he incredibly professional and flexible, the quality of the mix I received was just what I was looking for. The mix is clean and the vocals are big. ..."
"Yoad VERY quickly got my song - which had a lot of different instrumentation to mix - to a great spot. His experience & skill show. On top of being technically astute, he is very patient with artists like myself t..."
"Very pleased with the master from Tom. On top of this he is very fast to respond and very friendly in his communication. 100% a pro and highly recommended!"
"Thomas gave me a shining mix , open ,punchy and dreamy ! Thank you Thomas !!"