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Moyock Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I'm a producer/vocalist with over 6 years experience in the industry. I have worked with artists such as Armin van buuren, J Fla, Solstis, ARMNHMR, Pluko, and many others!
Making music for 25 years
Offers creative fiddle parts ranging from Irish/blue grass to hip hop strings and pop/rock. Toured nationally with the Broadway musical, Once as well as The Rockin' Road to Dublin.
I spent a couple years running the recording studio at Vanderbilt University, before diving in professionally in the heart of Music City, TN. I'm a huge audio nerd, totally obsessed with making every project I work on my best one yet.
Believe in yourself.
200.00 per drum track...
Saxophonist for jazz, latin jazz, bossa nova, smooth jazz, blues, pop, funk and house music, so if you need a melody for your song, a solo or an improvisation, I'm what you are looking for. (Saxophone and EWI)
I have three years experience as a professional touring Studio Session Bassist and Music Composer/Producer for both Victor Internet and Jackie Hayes. Open to laying down basslines for your projects!
Recent Successes
"Rob responds ridiculously fast, and he is extremely flexible. Any revisions are done quickly and precisely. He brought the color out in our track and shined light on a few elements we were not immediately confident en..."
"absolutely amazing. she nailed what i was going for in one take. resposive and awesome to work with. "
"he did a great job on my track!"
"Doug is a creative rapper, artist and individual. Very easy to talk to, whether in English or Spanish, he gave my track the flavour that it needed. I'd recommend to work with him for fantastic results."
"Good job"
"Josh delivered a song the next morning and sounded amazing. Based on a new small role I just booked. Love how it sounds "
"Great experience!"
"John was extremely patient to work with. He also delivered some very well recorded trumpet stems. Highly recommend."