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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MOTZ
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" *NSYNC in half time "
Custom MIDI arrangements, written music arrangements
Contributed to over 2,000,000 streams and credits to Artists such as TheFriend and within Torontos up & coming music scene.
I'm a professional music producer based in Europe (Slovakia). I produced a lot of hits in my country and in Czech Republic as well (just type ''prod. Konex" in youtube. Music producing is my professional job, I usually make hip-hop beats, but I can make anything. So if you're looking for a custom beat, just let me know!
NYC-based Bass, Chapman Stick and U8 Touch Guitar instrumentalist. 2022 release of Peter Gabriel reimagining project - Through The Wire. 2020 Contributed NS Upright, Chapman Stick & keys to Pat Mastelotto's 'A Romantic's Guide To King Crimson'.
I will make you fall in love with your track, that's a promise.
Ponte en manos expertas: en lo que a asesoria edificaciones se refiere en este lugar tienes auténticos especialistas. Si te apetece saber más sobre sus presupuestos en diseños prestacionales y diseño basado en prestaciones, haz clic en el siguiente enlace. Estamos seguros de que cumplirán todas tus expectativas en lo referente a ingeniería
Producer with over 10 years of experience and solid worldwide career. If you need to fit the industry standards with high quality tracks just get in touch.
Recent Successes
"Myyyy man :)"
"Art is an extremely communicative and down-to-earth gent to work with - I was consistently pleased with his promptness and willingness to finesse the final product until it lined up perfectly with our vision. I suspe..."
"So glad I found Greg. He's true pro, a master at his craft, and so much more. He patiently entertained all of my questions, and I learned so much from him in this process of mastering our tune. Responsive and fast - I..."
"BeatsMadeByFresh was beyond professional. Not only did he deliver what he promised, but he also guided the project in a direction that made it ten times better. The key to a valuable producer is someone who sees you a..."
"Alex provides wonderful work! Collaborating with him is a pleasure! "
"Great as always. and never disappointed. he's my go to guitarist!"