Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Moon-Li
Hi ! I'm Abel, sound engineer based in Paris. I provide mixing and mastering services as well as production and mixing feedbacks.
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Audio engineer and music devotee relying on my creativity and diverse set of skills to make great sounding tracks and help artists achieve their creative vision.
Hello. I am a mix engineer... I've had a lot of experience mixing different stuff over the years, starting with my own bands then helping others do theirs... everyone's records! I am looking finally, after many years of avoiding anything to do with money, to basically spill my guts making everyone's stuff sound awesome, in exchange for cash.
"If you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful" 💯
Seal your next project with a sonic kiss from LIPs. Affordable mixing, mastering, and production that does not sacrifice quality. We take your project to the next level at a great price! From rock to country, singer/songwriter to EDM, hip hop to punk, or whatever sounds you create...LIPs does not discriminate.
Our top of the line equipment, knowledge and years of experience working on all sorts of projects will make yours sound great.
Here to assist you in producing and completing your tracks. BA Honorary degree technical capability for low-cost industry-standard results.
Multi-Genre Producer & Engineer with a Hip-Hop background (Van Buren Records, Neemz, invada, Ibri, Rugireo). Since graduating Berklee College of Music with a Production & Engineering degree, I have now started working at Crosby Studios under the leadership of Bainz (Young Thug, Gunna, Travis Scot) and am available for remote production and mixing.
Recent Successes
"Fred was super easy to work with and was very quick and responsive! He go the master done in less than one day and delivered a great product. I was very happy with the way the song turned out. Highly recommended!"
"Luizinho Mazzei mixed my stems and they came out nothing less then incredible! He is very receptive to input from his clients. He showed a great deal patience. I will be back for sure!"
"Luke is one of the most talented writers/producers I've ever worked with! I'm amazed with how quick he was able to compose a timeless classic - this song is pure gold!!"
"It was a blast to work with David. I asked him to executively consult on five songs of mine. Some of them had several production drafts, and I wanted a seasoned ear on which of them would be best. He gave me some grea..."
"I've worked with Gab so many times partially because he is an absolute professional. More than that though, he is also very clearly an expert in his craft. I'll also add that if you give him an appropriate amount of..."
"I received a mix consultation from Josh and the feedback Josh gave was friendly and constructive. Thank you!"
"My first time using SoundBetter and I hit the jackpot with William and his crew - they are super duper talented! For months, I believed the classic rock piece I was covering/arranging called for tuba and flute, and th..."