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Milton Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Multifaceted Rapper/Writer & Music Producer committed to propelling your music to the NEXT level. 5-star rated musician with over 300 client reviews in the past 2 years.
Playing bass guitar, guitar. Composing
Music and Video production expert for you
EngineEars Mix Madness Contestant, I specialize in Trap and Alternative with 20+ million streams worldwide.
Sensibility, Experience and Musicality for the best sound for all platforms !
Looking to sound like the latest hits? You are in the right place! Always on the lookout for what sounds best, I'm passionate. My job is to support you as best as possible and give you complete satisfaction.
From production and songwriting to mixing and editing, I'll take care of your frustrations, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
Ylusive is an R&B/Pop singer & songwriter who has written for Mickey Shiloh as well as collaborated with several other independent artists. He offers bright leads with smooth and full background vocals. Shoot me a message if you're interested.
Recent Successes
"Third times a charm...thanks again Gerard!!!"
"It'd be hard to find someone that has more talent and ability than KRIKIT. Just an awesome person, awesome to work with and phenomenal singer/writer. A++ all around. "
"As mentioned...Scott is a true Rockstar PRO Session Vocalist ! High standing work, service and professionalism. Lucky to have him around here !"
"Right on point, a real pro, but such a beautiful tone to her voice! We were going in a little different direction on this song, and she delivered exactly what I had hoped for, and then some! :)"
"Totally blown away when I received my vocal from Jakey. A true professional with great technique and tone, great production values, total commitment to the project, and great understanding of harmonies and BV's. He is..."
"Rob did an amazing job, not only he is a talented guitar player but he is fast and very creative."
"I have worked with Sean on 3 songs and have been very pleased with Sean’s work and the finished product. "