Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Michel el buenon
I began in Percussion Since I was 8 years old in my hometown, then I moved to Medellin when I was 15, and I began to make music with many artists in my country, I could travel around the world playing with the Ballet folclórico de Antioquia. Now I´m working in my Studio in Medellin, making recordings for many artists in Colombia and other countries
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Living in New York for 5 years now. Available for work both in studio and work remotely.
Immersive, mad creative, eclectic creative mind of music and entertainment, As an Audio engineer I am driven and inspired by others to create the best content possible for any genre of music to any project I’m hired to work on!
38 years of making music that I’m sure you’ve heard.
Electro, HipHop and Salmon !!
With a progressive approach, we are constantly trying out unparalleled technology innovation series of technologies such as Cloud, Chatbot, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Augmented & Virtual reality, Internet of Things and more.
Danielle performed as the opening act for the legendary R&B group BoyzIIMen at NJ bergenPac. Other notable performances include: Rockwood Music Hall, Bronxnet TV, Garden State Plaza Mall, Gramercy Theatre, Harlem’s Summer On The Hudson, Arlene’s Grocery, and Silvana’s.
Lilquest is the engineer the artist and everything in one , Theres nothing this guy can’t do , he’s talented in all fields and he’s only getting better. He’s up and coming and is willing to network .
A passion for sound design, an ear for film scores, and a love for electronic music.
Recent Successes
"Nothing short of incredible! I sent him a track at night and I had the vocal file first thing the next morning! Tyree is amazingly fast and delivers pristine vocals. Will definitely work with again and highly recom..."
"Lee was awesome. I am not the easiest person to work with, but we was patient and kind and made revisions as necessary! Song sounds dope."
"Wow. I don't even know what to say. Only that I wish I'd known Cory long ago so that we could've been making some amazing tunes together all this time. I can't say enough positive things about my experiences working w..."
"Aaron does his work well, and on time - appreciated!"
"The quality of work was fantastic, he was able to transcribe my vocals very well and portray the melody to the professional standard required. "
"Austin mastered my track and made it louder, warmer and more polished. He also went the extra mile on a couple of things that I’d only spotted in mastering. Would work with him again for sure! "
"Matty is exceptional. Great instincts, fast turnaround, very good with feedback. The piece I gave him could have come out sounding like a noisy jangly mess, or been flattened into something generic. Instead he showed ..."