Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MGO
💰I help artists make money 🌐+4M streams|172 tracks|115 artists|17 countries
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Hello, my name is Matthew Brown and I make music & art under the name Goodlike. B.1973 SOUTH LONDON UK NOW RESIDES AND WORKS IN ASHEVILLE, NC USA. https://www.iamgoodlike.com/
"I'm Wit Worldtour An He Just Went Nd Cook Me Up A Beat !'; Executive Producer | DJ | Recording & Mixing Engineer ; Prod Credits : JayO Sama , GucciiBlack , SpotemGotem.
Artist ,Rapper ,Music Producer / Beat maker ,Engineer , Director, Video Edititor ,Graphic Artist
Hello 👋, I'm a 25 year old audio engineer thats responsible for the new Florida wave of music. With hundreds of millions of streams already, I just want to keep inspiring the young engineers as well as pushing the movement forward to put more respect on the engineering role amongst the music industry. Instagram : Harper23
Percussionist, specialising in Indian Classical Music (Carnatic). Been a part of Oscar winning RRR. I play Mridangam, Khanjira, and other traditional percussions and also recite KONNAKOL. I also work as a composer, arranger, programmer and rhythm producer. I am also a trained classical singer
Do you need a professional, billboard charting rap/hip hop engineer or producer? Look no further! I am now offering my Mixing & Mastering services on SoundBetter! I have a professional recording studio in my home and work at several recording studios across Los Angeles! Artists i've worked with: Hotboii, Blueface, Calboy, SpotemGottem, + more!
I've worked with spotemgotem, Bobby valentino, and 2k baby and more
Credits: Kodak Black, Lil Mosey, SpotEmGotEm, Snot, Kid Trunks, 24hrs, iHeartMemphis, CoreySSG, Lil Crix, Jdot Breezy, BDBEnt, Roc Nation, Andre Drummond, Marvin Bagley lll, Billie Eillish, Offset, and lots more.
Recent Successes
"It was very professional this first song with Cristian. Great voice and feeling. He gave me several creative options. My job was a pop rock song, I recommend working with Cristian this style."
"Scott has excellent taste; he knows when a song needs small brushstrokes to become perfect, and that's what he did. Looking forward to work with him again soon."
"Had a really short deadline. Studio Torrent managed to deliver the final master in hours. And what a master! Got it spot on first try nothing I can say, it's perfect. Thank you, will send you more pretty soon. "
"Bryan perfectly captured what I described and what I wanted to hear. His instrumentation made my song even better than I imagined. Fast response, quick revisions, and quality work: couldn't (and won't) ask for any bet..."
"Chris has a great ear and touch. Pleasure to have him mix our track."
"Clive is a versatile talent with great communication skills. He took the time to ensure that I was completely satisfied with his performance while keeping an upbeat vibe throughout the recording/redrafting process. It..."
"Patrick is unbeatable and unstoppable. He is incredibly hard working and even more talented. He's a great musician and a great producer. You cannot go wrong with him!"
"Another amazing job with Beth! She is very talented and professional!"
"Great stuff again Arthur. Fast and reliable as always. "
"Austin kills it every time! He has mastered 7 tracks for me so far, and he never misses. Fast turnaround, sounds amazing, and he always gets the vibe I’m going for. "