Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mel Waiters
Newly Placed on SoundBetter! Award-winning music producer with a history of collaboration with Industry Award Winning artists, performers, and engineers producing distributed songs and albums in all genres with a specialty in Hip-Hop, Pop, Latin, Reggae, and acoustic Jazz. Be one of the first to work with this amazing producer.
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Anything your music needs!
I'm a recording artist/producer with over 10 years experience working in some of the best studios in London and the UK. I love working with artists and song writers to help find that killer guitar hook or bass line that changes something from good to great.
You just did your first great mix then heard it in the car didn’t you? It’s okay to cry but you can wipe your tears I got you.
I have more than 25 years of experience in songwriting, live performance, and recording electric, acoustic, and bass guitar tracks for a variety of bands (including rock, punk, metal, and funk outfits) across Asia and Europe. My versatility in style and sound has made me a top choice for many musicians seeking a collaborator.
Beginner mixing engineer based in Moscow,Mordor. 3 years of experience. Self-learned
Juan Catalano is a professional film & media composer and producer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. With more than 10 years of experience and having been trained in both classical and contemporary music he has created pieces for orchestra, feature-length film, TV, songs, commercials, video-games, and a wide array of audiovisual projects.
Top producer and mixing engineer from Paris, worked on +250songs , worked for Oxmo Puccino, Némir, Taïro, Alltta, Mr J Medeiros,and many more ... Also official remixs for Angus & Julia Stone, SoomT, and more. Head of the french label Archipel Records. Professional Guitarist since 2006
Recent Successes
"Quincy was great to work with. He quantized a live recording of a drum performance for my client and mixed it. He understood how to bring certain parts of the drum out and isolate others that were bleeding into each o..."
"We’ve done together my band’s latest CD’s mastering job, it was a great pleasure, he did fantastic sounding to our songs. Lately, we needed some post working, Yaron made as great as before. Quick and fabulous. I wish ..."
"She's a real PRO. Nice job, very talented!"
"SO glad I found Birk, one of the best producers in the game. I'll be doing more tracks with him for sure!"
"Incredibly professional and creative, the drum setup and engineering alone is worth it, but the calibre of drumming, intuition and responsiveness to feedback takes it to the next level. Cannot recommend enough!"
"Excellent vocalist. She fulfilled everything I needed. I wished I've found her sooner because she would've been on my other songs for sure. Highly recommend her, without question!"
"Rob is the best! He is so knowledgeable and so kind. He takes every song of mine to its highest potential. He pops up as one of the first engineers on here for a reason! One of the bests on this site (and in general)"