Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MC Talibã
Pro beatmaker and producer, especially in Trap, Tech House, Deep House, Deep Tech, Brazillian Funk, Boom Bap and Drill.
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Best Hip Hop Mixing
As a Berklee College of Music Magna Cum Laude Grad, Orla has been professionally trained in Pop, Rock, Folk (Celtic), Jazz, & EDM vocal styles. Her exceptional ear enables her to compose & execute harmonies flawlessly, & create vocal tracks that require little to no pitch correction. The human orchestra has arrived and is at your service.
I am an IT dropout and was a Software Engineer who now turned to an Audio Engineer and Music Producer in an attempt to achieve excellence in the dimensions of the Music Industry. Maybe you would like my Mixes and Production or not, but one thing I can be assured about giving more than 100% of mine to any of the products that I would be hired for.
looking for a engineer who will put your project first and Is passionate about Music & Mixing? Look no further. 11 years in live/Studio & Post Editing working with every genre, style and musician I can work with. I will mix, master and help produce your song to the best of my ability till we are satisfied with the result.
Grammy nominated engineer and producer
Video Artist / Motion Designer who specializes in researching the intersection of audiovisual languages. Your project, your ideas. If you're out of ideas, I'll guide you through the process of generating them.
Gates are open
A musician, composer, sound designer and engineer I have an intense passion for working on arts and visual media. I play multiple instruments and produce music in diverse genres. Composed music for video games, adverts, short films and more. As an audio engineer able to edit, mix or master any type of audio or style.
Recent Successes
"I had the pleasure of working with Adam on a project of mine. He was responsive 100% of the time in communicating ideas, song status, and demos back and forth. His patience and outgoing friendliness contributed to an ..."
"Brandon worked very fast and that in a high professional way. His vocals sounds very expensive and the recordings are in a very good quality. Will work with you soon. "
"First time working with James and I am absolutely delighted with the result! Very professional and easy to work with. I am very satisfied with the way he mastered my new track and I will definitely keep in touch with ..."
"Riley Smith is really great at what he does and puts in a lot of effort in making the composition according to your needs. He is very flexible, swift and passionate about what he does. This is only my second song, and..."
"This was my first time working with Gal, he delivered drums to me for two separate songs and nailed the vision on both right away. He's extremely intuitive and knows what the song needs. Totally took my songs to the n..."
"If youre looking for a professional topline then I would definitely recommend. Very happy with what Nevve has done and the vocals fit the song perfectly!!! "
"Asked for a slight change in the mixing, less than 24 hours afterwards I had it back to me. Quality and effectiveness provided by Trilla yet again!"
"Sefi always crushes it. His mastering is top of the line. "
"Matt is the real deal. He clearly takes the time to do a very thorough and detailed job. Thrilled with his work!"