Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mavuno Worship
I am an experienced mix engineer with over a decade of shaping sound and refining music across live and studio environments. I have a proven track record working with artists, studios, and live events, I bring precision, creativity, and technical expertise to every project, ensuring the music not only sounds great but feels alive.
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Profesional recording studio located in Beautiful Bogota in Colombia specializing in recording real musicians .
Production, Mixing & Mastering
studied classical piano at UdK Berlin, home in various styles and genres, improviser and music maker
Professional radio-ready tracks that meet major record label and streaming standards.
Providing mixing and mastering services that preserve the natural elements of a recording. Your music is special, and should still remain that way after post production is completed. Let's make your music shine!
Hi, my name is Henrique Bon and i am a producer from Brazil. I work with trap and hip-hop in general, 3 years mixing and producing this gender. Audio Engineer graduated!
Hi, I'm Mike - an experienced touring sound engineer bringing my expertise in delivering powerful live mixes and immersive stage monitoring experiences for artists like Ms. Lauryn Hill, Clean Cut Kid, Circa Waves, Marsicans and more in to the studio environment to create productions with all the energy of a great live performance!
I have 25+ years in the live and session drumming world, and I've been producing now for 5 years. As a mixing engineer, I've been working for 3 years and my speciality is for huge major label sounding records. Go big or go home, am I right? So if you want that crushing bass for a hip-hop, huge guitars for rock, or intimate Country, I got you!
Recent Successes
"I just finished up another WINNING! collaboration with Robert. He just keeps getting better. Great communications...stellar creativity... super generous with his time and talent. I look forward to our next project and..."
"Brandon is a PRO! Got me exactly what I needed & did it in great time. Highly recommend--and I am looking forward to working together again soon! "
"Pete took my pretty open D chords and made them into something beautiful - I didn't know my music could sound like this! Highly recommended!"
"Ezel is very intuitive and added tracks to a complicated jazz/pop piece that was daunting to other keyboard players. My own keyboard player couldn't get the complex patterns and the interaction of the melody with the ..."
"Elias has become my go-to drum editor. I don't even consider anyone else at this point. He always does a stellar job, and I'm always confident that my tracks are going to sound better when he's done with them."
"She's super lovely and easy to work with. She will not disappoint! "
"Quality work, smooth delivery. Will definitely come back."
"One of the most helpful and genuine producers/engineers/djs in the industry, not just from a technical standpoint, but also a business standpoint. Would 100% return."
"This guy is an absolute baller! Has clear talent, but compliments it with strong communication, timely turnaround, tremendous collaboration and definitely has the quality of your project as his priority."