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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Matungo
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Wes DeBoy is a recording/mixing engineer with heart. He digs deep to understand each artist's vision and does not stop until is has been reached. His patience, experience and attention to detail ensure that each project reaches its highest potential.
An analogue obsessed studio owner, record producer and mixing engineer, working primarily with up and coming bands and artists offering industry standard services at fantastic prices. Projects delivered on time, on budget and sounding great!
I offer mixing and mastering services specializing in House music, electronic dance music, hip hop and all things that need that club quality mix down. I work with your budget and do what ever I can to make you happy with how your project sounds. Free mastering with all mix downs.
High level guitarist/mix engineer available! If you're looking for awesome mixes, productions, or guitar tracks, look no further! Work with a pro!
Need Piano for your project, or help bringing it to Life? I've over 30 years experience in Classical, Jazz, Pop, Rock, Blues, Gospel, Sacred, Praise & Worship and Children's Music. In general, if I can hear it, I can play it, but I also read, write, transcribe and produce. Creating and Improvising are my Specialty! Need Help? Let's Talk! =)
Grammy-nominated, always passionate "swiss army knife." Experienced producer, vocal mixer and arranger and songwriter.
I'm a Film Producer/Filmmaker with many years of experience filming Music Videos. www.resetproductions.com I fall in love, pretty fast, with creative and innovative musicians. Dreams are not that far away if we work together. If we are a match, we can make things happen, independently of the budget. If we support each other, then we are golden.
I'm a singer from Argentina. Music for me has no limits. Expressing how you feel and transmitting it is my goal.
Recent Successes
"Rob created a very nice, smooth mix. He was *super* responsive, from the moment he replied to my job request to the last tweak he did on the mix itself. Finally, he had a great attitude and was very patient when I ask..."
"Austin Aces it as always!"
"Super talented vocalist!"
"Second time working with Cecilia and Lucas in the last month and I believe I will be working with them for a long time, if they will let me. Absolute perfection in bringing my early vision to life as something better ..."
"I hired Grant to play drums on a new song of mine and quite simply - he nailed it! He played exactly what I was looking for with perfect touch and timing. He understands songs; what they need and more importantly w..."
"Simply an amazing person with beautiful vocals and songwriting! "
"They did another amazing job for me on a longer prog rock piece with multiple parts, hitting on the correct flourishes and embellishments expertly to give the piece a lot of feeling. They even had expert comments on ..."
"Will is an incredible musician with a great ear for hearing what the song needs. He added harmonica for a new song I'm working on and it truly brought it to life. Super professional and quick turnaround. "
"Mark mixed and mastered an alternative rock track for us. He brought a very exciting mix which really brought the song to life with guitar tones that will blow your mind and an expressive production style that capture..."