Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with matt gorman
Professional Singer, Songwriter (as seen on American Idol Top-40, The 615 House, and Tiktok). Over 15 Million Views acrossed all platforms! I will vocally topline, produce, or help with projects living in the Country, Pop, EDM, Techno genres!
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Grammy & Dove award nominee whose number one goal is helping you to make your next record exceed your highest expectations. I will do whatever it takes to make that happen!
I make beats for all musicians with great and unique talents. The beats will be made from the scratch according to your demands. Plus, I pay close attention to details. Email me if interested at mkaymusique@gmail.com
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My name is Matheus, I've been a professional trombonist for 7 years, I played in different bands and different styles and I am currently studying Music at the University of São Paulo, Bachelor of Trombone.
Orchestral pieces, soundtrack, ghost producer/normal beat, all of that at a reasonable price! I might not be the best, but I might be what you're looking for, so take a listen to what I do. Producer since 2015 and composing since October 2020
I can upgrade your music to a professional level, I've been working as a music producer for 4 years and I've been playing and studying guitar for 13 years, I also am a trained sound technician so I can deliver a finished product and not just the production.
Having been involved in music for over 20 years, I have written, produced, mixed and consulted for numerous artists ranging from Gospel to EDM and Rap to Country. Whilst I specialize in Hip-Hop and R&B, I am able to adapt to my clients needs and the requirements of the project.
Professional-grade production, composition, mixing and mastering at an affordable price - specialities are Metal, Trap/Hip-Hop, Pop, and EDM. I can take your demos, song ideas or rough mixes and turn them into full-fledged productions, ready to compete with everything else on streaming services and the radiowaves.
Recent Successes
"Lydia has fantastic pitch, timing, and emotional interpretation of material. She follows instructions and has immense creativity, as well. Prepare to have your expectations exceeded if you employ her talents."
"William is a super talented musician and writer! Super easy to work with, even when you have some unforeseen circumstances (like sickness) come up. I’d definitely recommend William, and I can’t wait to work with him a..."
"Great as always! Great communication, service and delivery! "
"Worked with Gregory twice and he always takes the songs to the next level. Look forward to working with him again. "
"Amazing work. Above and beyond what I expected and a clear attention to the needs of the track. Also, a very talented player able to bring a lot of detail to the work. Extremely happy with the outcome!"
"Emma is a pro in every sense; best I've found. She made me sound better - NO DOUBT! "
"David is simply amazing - he understood my song ideas and references perfectly, and was quick and efficient throughout the production process but more importantly showed care and attention, asking questions and nailin..."
"Blake did a great job on the vocal for my song! Exactly what I was looking for! Professional and timely with a stellar result. I will definitely think of Blake when the next opportunity for his talents arises. "
"Anna Moore is one of the best r&b/soul singers on this site. VERY WELL DONE!!! I'll be returning back for more."
"Thanks Roar! The Vocals you tuned sounds very smooth and organic. Thanks for a very quick, efficient and professional service at a good price! You'll be hearing from me again soon!"
"Absolute pleasure to work with. Keeps me up to date and smashes it every time."