Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mathew James
I am a singer, songwriter, composer and guitar player. I specialize in writing lyrics, alto to soprano vocal range, composer and arrangement of instrumentation, background vocals and harmony. I also play, write and record guitar for tracks. I wrote, arranged, performed vocal and guitar on all songs released from my band Aviana And The Pure Root.
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Ever dreamt of having your own song or your own Album? Beeing a DJ and playing your own tracks on a stage? We can't book you for events but we can produce your music and guide you to make it happen!
I've been a music producer for almost 10 years now! I've had my beats used by Nike, TDE, DJ Drama, Blac Youngsta, and thousands of independent rappers and singers all across the globe. I love how my beats can be a platform for yourself (the artist) to share an amazing story through your lyrics. Let's work!
I am a rapper simple and plain i can rap about whateva on any beat. I amaze myself with the things i write when im in the zone. I love to create.
Professional keyboardist with a creative mind. Happy to help you make your music better.
Your song is like a baby. Feel free to contact me for being his guardian.
Credited sync writer for Universal Music Production and Warner Chappell, BMI songwriter and fierce independent artist/vocalist
I produce music to make people happy.
Professional vocalist and songwriter. Worked with Boomplay Music, Def Jam, Sony Music, Ludacris, Eastern Child & more, Nominated Songwriter for Soundcity. Pop, R&B, Hip-Hop & Afro-beats specialty. Prompt Turnaround.
Recent Successes
"Another amazing performance! Josh delivers perfect performances every time on the first pass. The track that Josh did for me was so perfect. If you're reading reviews trying to decide whether to work with Josh or not,..."
"Another great job thanks again. James"
"Plain and simple a pleasure to work with, for the record Raena came with the idea to pitch my track a little bit to suit her voice which in my opinion was fantastic. Really got the vocal even more suited for the rest ..."
"like always :-) great"
"All I can say, is wow. A true professional but also relatable if that makes sense. I have an extremely sensitive ear and matty nailed it all. He even gave me an extra revision for free even though I asked him to charg..."
"I had a great experience with James. Very professional and listened to my knees as I requested. Fast turnaround as well will definitely use again and recommend."
"We have done like 10 projects so far! The result of all of them are... AWESOME!! The project we just finished... it is a gem. It was a pleasure to work with you again!!"
"Martin rules!!!! THAT IS ALL"
"Maria is wonderful to work with and very patient and listens, she is making miracles whit the music and is a top professional, loved working whit, you Maria. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Sincerely Karen Sal..."
"thanks for a great job on the track, Ale has took my idea from acoustic guitar and has transformed it in to a great composition for me."