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Mastering Engineers in Los Angeles
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Music........ I Love Music!!!
Carlos Ortiga Produções, 4760 Vila Nova de Famalicãofavorite_borderfavoriteI love to talk with the Artits that record with me.... and the others to :P My aim is for your satisfaction
We are a duo of sound engineers with specialization in post production. We provide audio engineering and production services to help new and upcoming artists in achieving a professional sounding record at an affordable price and help them work out the best way to reach their music career goals.
Me : Sound is in Air and i don't want them to get disturbed. Dir : Can you give me a Clean Dialogue.....
One of the hottest music producers and songwriters based in Puerto Rico. Works mainly with Latin RnB & Reggaeton sensation Rauw Alejandro. Has marked a tropical yet sexy sound with his Dancehall/Reggaeton and RnB/Trap styled beats, offering freshness in the urbano latino music market.
Wouldn't it be awesome to have someone care about your next musical endeavor just as much as you do? That's me! I'm a music producer and multi-instrumentalist based out of Asheville, NC. I have 20+ year's music and audio production experience, specializing in a variety of genres including Pop, Funk, Rock, Electronic, Alternative & Cinematic music.
More than 20 years of experience.
Years of studio/Live bass playing for Indie, Pop, Singer-Songwritter, and Americana artists.
Recent Successes
"Killian is extremely professional and easy to communicate. He was clear in his communication style. He has a way of bringing out the best out of the creative collaboration, which is probably the most important aspect ..."
"If i could rate with 6 stars i would do it. Vesislava works with passion and is an amazing cello player. She has so much ambition and really helps you reaching your vision! I would always work with her again! Thank yo..."
"A talented individual."
"Great job as always! And we are ready for more."
"Aditya is a true gem! Anytime I need help with mixing and editing he's always my first choice!"
"every time I am lucky enough to have Yoed On my productions, He astounds me. He goes above and beyond in terms of his arrangement AND execution. I cant recommend him enough! He gives you a lot more than what you reque..."
"Just popping in to leave another review for Austin! Just finished project #2.Every bit as smooth and perfect as the first! Austin does a fantastic job and is totally pleasant to work with. Please check him out! #3 in ..."
"Fabulous vocalists (rapper). Really looked into what I wanted, and found all the right answers. Many Thanks"