Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Martin Felix Kaczmarski
Award nominated mix engineer including credits to Universal, Nice Swan Records, Audio Network & Big Sync. I have worked in both contemporary & music to picture. I was trained by double grammy award winner Ren Swan & always deliver a premium mix in a timely manner
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Hey! Been a professional mixer for 25+ years, now also specialized in Dolby Atmos for music. What I hear all the time from my clients is that they like my sense of creating depth, warmth and feel to their mixes. Recent projects include Opeth, Ghost, The Cardigans, Roxette and Avicii. Other clients include Kent, Hellacopters, Graveyard, Soen, Dozer.
Deliver your project to me in any form from a basic idea recorded with the mic on your phone, to a fully recorded track which needs direction. We will then discuss your goals for the project and lay out a plan & timeline to take it to completion.
Hi! We strive to create exeptionally high quality product with great recording equipment while still working within your budget. Our services include music for film and television, songwriting and production, live drum and percussion tracking, mixing, & sound design.
My goal is to provide a bespoke experience with exceptional service. A custom selection of hand made gear and a carefully curated signal path allow me unprecedented control over bringing out the best in your music. Nothing ostentatious here, only judicious care with proven results for your music.
Extremely versatile and experienced multi-instrumentalist, composer, and arranger in Vancouver, Canada. Professional, personable, reliable, creative, and dedicated to helping your music sound fantastic. I make it easy, fun, and affordable to add exciting horn tracks to any project.
I'm here to bring your songs to life.
Hi I’m Rykko nice to meet ya
Need a partner to help you get your dance, house, jungle, EDM, track underway? Someone who listens to your needs and will collaborate successfully with you?
Recent Successes
"I used him to master one of my tracks, I'm never going to use anyone else. What a genuine and pleasant guy to talk with. The quality he's deliviring both when it comes to his responses and his truly amazing skills is ..."
"Talented, worked diligently and timely. Kept me informed throughout the process. Was a pleasure."
"Alex was perfect for this job. He took this project to a new level. He’s very professional and very easy to work with. His creative ideas definitely brought the best out of the project. 100% will work with him again"
"This is the second time Andres mastered one of my songs and I will be back for more :)"
"Gerard and I are still heavy working on multiple projects currently, but as it relates to these current contracts: I needed someone willing to do an extensive task in a crunch and he is executing flawlessly. Respondin..."
"Chris communicated well and provided a great track once again. A true professional and great to work with. "
"Super brilliant, super talented. I am SUPER happy. She hit a grand slam home run. You want great results? Hire the best. Hire Kimera Morrell. World class talent. World class results."
"My collaboration with Patrick was absolutely wonderful. He is such a kind person with a lot of dedication to his craft and also so experienced musically. My project was very demanding as I needed a complex recording o..."