Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mark Kroos
Alan Bush is a critically-acclaimed Audio Engineer and Production Specialist with over 15 years of experience in transforming live performances through dynamic mixing and technical precision. He is known for creating high-impact sound environments that elevate the emotional impact of live events and worship services.
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I am a singer/songwriter and worship leader in Charlottesville, VA. Circa 1983. I have a small project studio with some vibey gear. Here I mostly record vocals, guitars, and a few other select instruments (upright bass, accordion, hammer dulcimer, mandolin, banjo, violin/fiddle, and alto/soprano sax). I also mix alot of live albums for churches.
I'm a creative sent by God to entertain. Lets change the game and inspire the world one song at a time! #ToTheTopAndNothingLess
I am a singer/songwriter and vocal producer. Worked with various artists.
The Inspiration Man
award winning songwriter and vocalist as well as vocal producer can help you develop your style;
Cindy-Louise, a singer-songwriter, transitioned from opera to crafting original music. Known for her work under the same artist name, she also writes for pop icons and sync publishers, pouring her heart into every creation.
Editor for audio projects targeted at the film, TV and video game markets
Hello! I'm Prosper Netashiva, vocalist from Uganda. I sing traditional African and Ugandan music, afro-beat, jazz, afro-rock, gospel and pop music.
Recent Successes
"I love work with Kristal. She works so professional. She can write, sing and do great vocal melodies. I did so much songs with her yet and I hope I can do more. She is also a very friendly and great person."
"Just got my mixes back, and I'm happy! Drums came out great, and Jason works fast."
"Michael simply rocks! Hard worker and quick and he delivers!! Two songs with Michael so far and many more to come!!! Love working with this guy, and so will you!!"
"Working with Don was great! Communication was easy, getting to the final mix was a fun process and it sounds fantastic, I give TMR all the stars!!"
"I decided to re-hire victor for a project based on his first production. I love how things are only getting better, as Victor begins to understand my likes and dislikes he's executing the visions I have to the last de..."
"Ruben is a master craftsman. It's the third time working with Ruben and he is such an incredibly talented musician, orchestrator and composer. He is a pleasure to work with and always takes my songs to the next level...."
"I always work with Paul and he knows what he's doing! Kills it every time"
"Heidi is an amazing authentic singer. it was very gratifying to communicate with her and she did a very good job. I can only warmly recommend her! "
"Kimara did it again, i had high expectations because of previous tracks and she did even better! Very professional and talented!"