Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mark Cake
I am the Bass player for bands Teeth Machine, Monzanto Sound and YUUF. I have done Sessions/Collaborated and/or live bass work for, Natty Wylah, Nadeem Din-Gabasi, Hugo Cottu, Chad The Polymath, Sandhouse, Lim Orion, Mali-I, Mark Cake, Saint Saviour, Santino Le Saint, Ed Baden-Powell (D'Influence), Cody Currie, Kaonefy, Léa Sen, Atlantis.
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Self taught engineer who's been recording for over 7 years. Attended SAE Institute in NYC and completed their Audio Engineering Program. I run a project studio in East Harlem specializing in all sized projects, from hip-hop artists, singer/songwriters and voiceovers to mixing EP's and recording full sized bands. I can travel to your studio as well
Hey!! Names Kevin w/ In the Matrix out of Michigan. I specialize in Urban/ Electronic production and Recording/ Mixing/ Mastering. Only a few engineers in the state Eminem made famous can put together a current and cutting edge mix. I'm one of them. Our lab is sought after and respected in the North Michigan area.
Hey there! I'm a Finnish composer, producer, mix engineer, and multi-instrumentalist currently based in Brooklyn, NY. Over the years, I have worked on projects as a composer, songwriter, producer, mix engineer, and instrumentalist. I'm also part of the Adjunct Music Faculty at NYU Steinhardt. I'd love to hear YOUR project. Let's get to work!
Welcome to all. I am a professional drummer with 25 years of experience as a musician. I've performed and recorded with numerous bands and artists and have helped to produce songs from the ground up. I can provide live and/or programmed drum tracks perfectly catered to your songs to help you achieve your vision for your music.
Unique & Versatile Alt Rnb/Hip-hop production. I've worked with dozens of artists to create beats and demos specifically tailored to their artistic vision.
I produce and engineer electronic music with cinematic and alternative influences. I engineer and mix everything that I produce, and have produced, engineered, mixed and remixed for many other artists. I have toured as a music programmer with many top artists including Shakira, Justin Timberlake, Alicia Keys, Jay Z, Rihanna and Charlie Puth.
Chicago native Techno | House producer Alone For The Ride (AFTR).
Country music songwriter/lyricist wants to work with you and for you. Let’s make some amazing songs together.
Recent Successes
"JRo is Magic His drums are singing along with the music. What a great musician! I guess he would wish for each day to have 48 hours instead of just 24,right now. Your on the Highway,Jason ; ) ..with love Irene ..."
"This is a top notch song writer. Travia exceeded all expectations, and even did it in a timely manner. She handled everything professionally and with passion at the same time. Hard to find that. Will definitely wor..."
"Jessica is a phenomenal talent and exceeded any expectations I had for the song we worked on. "
"Nice working again with Emilio. Very talented, very responsive, and as crazy and passionate as a musician should be :) Happy new 2020!"
"Super-fast turnaround, professional attitude, Hi-quality fanstastic sounding masters! Dave is a total pro. Turned 3 masters around BEFORE my tight timeline. I had one note and he had a revision within 24 hours..."
"Once again, Elliot has brought his professionalism and talent to make my music better. I plan to keep using him as my main audio person."
"Another amazing project with Camilo. I love his work and his enthusiasm - Camilo always knows exactly what he's doing - and what he does is simply unbelievably good. "