Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MARESIA
Claudemir Tavares – Artist & Produtor Musica - Com mais de uma década de experiência no cenário musical, Claudemir Tavares é um produtor e artista versátil, especializado em criar beats únicos e inovadores, com sonoridades autênticas que transcendem gêneros. Se destacou na cena nacional por sua capacidade de misturar harmonias envolventes.
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Professional Audio Mastering Services for Independent Artists, Producers, Mixing Engineers, Recording Studios and Labels. We specialise in STEM and STEREO mastering for Streaming Platforms and CD-Audio.
Lets create something- Writing songs and improvising guitars parts
Female Audio Engineer.
Whatever you want done we can do. Let’s create something great.
In poetic style: I began my life, as a jazz saxophonist, content to join the frequencies, of Trane and Bird Eventually I learned, that I love to sing, and sharing my gifts with the world Now I rock Pro Tools and Logic Pro, But it was garage band that got me first I taught myself cause I really want it! Now how can I be of service to yours?
I am a R&B Vocalist and Lyricist with 8+ years of experience in this field. I specialize in Singing, Songwriting, Vocal Arrangement and Production, as well as Engineering. I can provide you with dark and colorful vocals that are carefully tailored sonically within the necessary soulful boundaries of R&B. I also provide Mixing and Mastering Services
Growing over 2 million streams on Spotify alone for artist project CROSSLEY, as well as multiple sync placements as both a Songwriter and Singer in the US and UK including Paramount and Sky Sports. CROSSLEY continues to grow as an artist whilst working on other projects for artists, producers, and writers alike.
Recent Successes
"He is a good songwriter, every song he wrote was fantastic."
"Emilio is always so responsive and a great musician and musical interpretor. Excellent."
"Never disappointed. I'll keep coming back, thanks for an amazing job. "
"Chris delivered exactly what I asked for on this song. And then he delivered the other thing I asked for on the song when I changed my mind - great customer service. Stylistically both versions were pretty much 180 ..."
"Very professional and creative! Easy to work with, efficient. We appreciate so much! Definitely a very good choice! I’ll recommend walkerdunnvisuals to everyone who needs Spotify canvas. "
"Abbie is a consummate professional, and an extremely gifted artist. Her vocals are spirit moving, and spirit soothing at the same time. She was a one-take wonder on my project, and delivered exactly what I was lookin..."
"I'm very lucky to be working with Mikhail. I'm very happy that my own choice led me to a musician with real musical talent who works hard and pays attention to customers. I hope that your career goes well and that man..."