Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mano 2D
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Hi, I'm Jean-François DI RIENZO, chief engineer & CEO at The Office / The Artist Studios, Paris You can find more about us here : https://www.totastudio.com/
Hello, I am a musician who accidentally ended up in a dream career doing something I never thought in a million years I would be! I love what I do and luckily, I am not too bad at it either. Specializing in live bands and corporate events, I have dedicated all my efforts to sound design and production for the best results possible.
Music | Art | Photography & Design
Precision meets passion
Experienced session cellist and arranger in all styles. Performed and recorded in the West End and for projects all over the world.
I can make some interesting beats for rappers as well as my own style of dubstep.
Solo hip-hop artist that writes, produces and performs feature vocals.
Recent Successes
"As always Sefi is on point and professional in every way. "
"Fast & very professionnal !!! He did everything I asked him to do. If you're looking for Brass, Danny is the man !! Thank you so much! I'll continue to work with him in the future. Thank you - Genghis"
"Matias is a true professional and just a nice guy. I've asked him not just record drums for 2 songs, but find a bass player and percussionist to record altogether. He managed to gather musicians and provided amazing..."
"very professional and followed directions very well!"
"Kevin is a pleasure to work with and his audio capabilities shine through in his work. He delivered a timely, clear, full and pleasing mix. Can't wait to have him work his magic again for tpolr. "
"Working with Ross was smooth and easy with a great balance of quality and value. He did three different single mixes for me each of which sounds much better than before. I look forward to working with Ross again. "
"Cashew did a great job mixing and mastering my house track! The bass was thumpin' and the hats were crisp. 👌🏻 He really knows his stuff, and he was very quick and professional. If you're into the more underground, yet..."