Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Manican Dream
I compose, produce, record, and am a multi-instrumentalist performer focused on bringing musical visions to their fullest potential.
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My name is David Katilius, and I am a bass player from Greenville, South Carolina. I received my Bachelor of Music degree with Magna Cum Laude distinction from the Berklee College of Music in Boston, and am currently playing out with many different bands in the Greenville and surrounding areas of the Upstate including Earsight and The Lift.
Pleased to meet you
Quality Sound. Many years of experience in music production. I can produce most genres, just shoot me a message and we will go from there!
Passionate and dedicated Mixing/Mastering Engineer & Producer, specializing in Hip Hop & Indie Rock genres.
Singing is my passion.
I love working with sound. Therefore, I do it with a soul.
Crystal clear, aggressive metal production, mixing and songwriting.
It's mariamie, versatile singer and exceptional songwriter, crafting unforgettable melodies and powerful lyrics. Whether you're in need of a captivating vocalist or a hit-making songwriter, I have the skills to bring your musical vision to life
Recent Successes
"Arthur is just great! He makes my music much sweeter, brighter, and finer."
"1000% recommended. Best in the game!"
"Mark is an amazing artist, musician and bassist. The technique, the tone, the creativity are all at the highest level. This was a track that was made for creative expression and Mark just excelled. Furthermore he w..."
"In football, the reason coaches become superstars is because when the coach sends in the play to the quarterback, the quarterback executes it perfectly, ultimately making the couch look brilliant. I sent Marcelo my in..."
"Great work, check it out here: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/realtalktheblackboyking/top-boy"
"Another perfect job - both times I've worked with Patricio, the first takes have been spot on. Not only that, but the recording quality is great (including the space he records in), and he was able to work with a supe..."
"I was very pleased with her work. She is very talented and complete that I wanted. Thank you for your work. "
"Due to my indecision, Alex made 2 final versions for me to pick from, and I couldn't go wrong with either!"