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"Listen and you will see". Having someone else mix and master your music is a delicate task – a job, which requires responsibility, technical expertise and musical understanding. Lars solves tasks in mixing and mastering. On the basis of his training as a musician and sound designer Lars manages to get the best out of any material
collaborator // creator // performer.
I am CEO and Music Producer of Cosmic Sound Studio (First World class recording studio in Honduras), 25 years of experience as a recording musician (Bass and Guitar player), and 15 years as a producer. Completed a Mixing and Mastering advanced program at Berkley Collegue of Music.
I am a session musician and producer. Current guitarist for singer/songwriter and Voice contestant Brian Nhira. I would love the opportunity to play a part in your next project.
Through the use of a mix of technics, from computer music, classical composition, live instrumentation, field recording and also some auto-generative data, I work on creating sound environments that not only (sometimes literally) talks with us but also connects with our inner selves and provoke our senses to respond in creative manners.
I am a music producer specializing in rap, hip hop, trap and R&B, my latest major artist placement being 96 bulls by nick Grant, also have some TV placements on HGTV, Bet, MTV and more.
IntellectualBeam - Your Writing Partner
Carpenter concert performer
Recent Successes
"always easy to work with, consistently delivers radio-ready results, excels at his craft "
"Incredible mastering, lovely service!"
"Jaye has been great to work with; he was very responsive to the ideas that I had and understood what was needed at all times. Highly Recommend!"
"Great work on a couple tracks that needed strings. Showed talent and creative genius with his ideas in place! Would absolutely work with him again."
"Finding Charlotte was the luckiest thing that happened to my music project. Her voice is simply delicious, I love listening to it in my music. Her pitch, timbre, timing and overall vocal quality are excellent! Her rec..."
"Poorna's professionalism was evident as he consistently met deadlines, addressed inquiries thoughtfully, and delivered excellent immersive audio quality. His expertise showed at every step, paired with a dedication to..."