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Best Hip Hop Mixing
I make atmospheric smears and unorthodox beats.
!!! HOT NEWS: Ed Sheeran shared my guitar cover of his upcoming single "Bad Habits" on his IG stories!!! Hello there! My name is Emilio from Italy. I'm a Lakewood-Guitars Artist, Acoustic Percussive Fingerstyle Guitar Player, Engineer and Songwriter with over 1M Spotify&YT Streams. Apple Certified Pro (Logic Pro X 10.4). SB deal at the bottom :)
I believe art exists beyond its medium; Music is literature is sculpture is cinema.
Hi there! I’m Juan Pinto, Art director, Motion Designer and Producer, passionate and enthusiastic. I’m interested in everything related to Animation, video production or design. Aside from design, my interests include children ́s books writing and bass guitar playing. Ready to work on your visual projects today!
Getting you where you want to be with music
Make your music sound expensive for cheap!
Paris-based mixer and producer with 10+ years of experience; I specialize in crafting high-quality, impactful and polished mixes. Graduating from ISART Digital in Music & Sound Design (2018), I work across genres like Trap, Hip-hop and House music, ensuring each mix aligns with industry standards.
Recent Successes
"Great comunication ! ( and great sound!) I find a professional studio that really helped me with my tracks. I really hope to work again with smallfish recording. "
"My go-to-life savor!! Sincerely the best! "
"Very Creative, with such character and tone in his voice! Highly Recommend!"
"Rylie is an amazing cellist!"
"Manny works fast, efficiently and with great talent. Thank you!"
"This is my second time working with Holly and it was just as pleasant as the first time! She nailed the exact sound I was looking for (and she endured my falsetto vocal guides). Her voice is POWERFUL and she's very pr..."
"I have worked with Luigi. Luigi is my “mocking bird” — he can summon Clapton, Van Halen, Les Paul; whatever. He brings nuance even to simple parts. So much class and finesse, every record sounds better with Luigi on ..."
"As always Larry delivers!!! and goes beyond!!! Even with knowing exactly what I want and need, when I have a doubt or else, Larry's always have a great input and ideas that are always on point!!! Larry's my number #1 ..."
"Danny is an outstanding musician and producer his ability to match the feeling of the film and enhance its emotions are incredible. He was able to not just come in on budget but delivered ahead of schedule. This is a ..."
"I worked with Maria on a Melodic metal song where I was having trouble coming up with ideas for the bass that made the song better, rather than just following the low note progression on the guitar. I reached out to M..."