Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mama te extraño pero BASTA
Songs, Film Soundtracks & an Orchestral Album were born straight from my very humble home-studio! My most popular theme song is "Judgement Day" and, with a length of 13 minutes, counts with +70k views on YouTube! My name's Franco and I will do anything to bring your song to life ✨
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I can´t brag about big names, or big figures. Also I don´t have a lot of experience with working remote so hit me up and we´ll figure it out.
I can produce / remix / mix your track. I can also do vocal tuning, beat making/production, mastering and podcast mixing/editing. Link here to my electronic productions: https://soundcloud.com/harrybugge Link here to my rock 'n' roll/indie productions: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2oz1rebJRizoFY2KbRwQku
Top 10 afro house artists for the last 5 years, Cee Elassaad is seasoned music lover and one of the most influent DJs and producers in the house scene which adventure started in the early 2000's. Labels : Connected Frontline,Tribe Records, MoBlack Records..
Munich based Sounddesigner and Re- Recording Engineer with a big passion for film sound. "The german Skywalker Sound ;)"
Looking for Projects for my Audio Engineering School!
Limitless possibilities. From Trap beats, to gritty Rock, House Pop, to lo-fi vibes, Let me help you bring your vision to life and across the finish line. The song and artist ALWAYS comes first.
Strategically crafted sound design to amplify the market impact of your project
As a seasoned guitarist with years of experience, I bring passion, precision and a unique voice to every project
Recent Successes
"I can only echo all the great reviews below. Mary is a fantastic singer. She has a gorgeous voice, but more impressive to me was her ability to capture the phrasing and feel of my duet. She really nailed it! Mary was ..."
"Adam did a brilliant job at mixing and mastering my song. Also a very nice guy to work with! He's the man for the job"
"Ian did a great job editing the vocals to a song of mine to make them sound clean, professional, and fantastic! Great communication, fast turnaround, and quality work - can't wait to work together again! Highly recomm..."
"This is my 3rd full project with the goat and I’m still amazed and what he can do! He makes you feel like an artist & not a check to collect... appreciate his work and highly recommend "
"Austin is really amazing, really talented engineer! makes each element of the mix sound in the space it is meant to sound in. If you need to take your mix and master to the next level you should contact him. He's very..."
"„My first question is: is this voice distinctive?“ [Dr. Luke] Here is the answer: yes, Sara's voice is! Working with Sara is a top-notch experience from start to finish. Her voice is attention-grabbing, emotional,..."
"Myah is a great person to work with! She communicates well, has an excellent voice, and finishes projects promptly and professionally. I highly recommend her for a variety of different genres, as we're already working..."
"Martin is amazing! He was very professional, the masters sounded great, and he was very responsive, and turned around the project quickly. He even did some edits for me after I released the funds of the project. I ..."