Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Maldita Vecindad Live Show Co- Mixinng & editor
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Music is my soul. I sing acoustic song.
Versatile and Professional session vocalist who has been recording vocals online for 10 years
I have been producing music for the past 3 years. I have produced One Album, 3 EPs, and Singles too. I have remixed more than 10 Popular Songs. I have expertise in EDM, Hardstyle, Trap, Melodic Dubstep.
I LOVE taking your drums stems - that you aren't happy with - and turning them into a final product that you can use in your mixes.
Producer and songwriter from Sweden with over 60 million streams to date (Spotify, Apple Music etc). I've collaborated with acts like The Chainsmokers, Shy Martin and CADE. I'm very passionate and will make sure every time that you're happy with the end result.
Hello musicians! I'm a professional Music Producer since 2014. I can make you the EDM tracks to your own purposes
Clean, warm & big sounding mixes
Appearing in Rolling Stone & People magazine, award winning singer-songwriter and former contestant of NBC's The Voice MR.LONO (formerly Jamie Lono) is sure to bring an honest and powerful vocal performance to most any song.
Recent Successes
"Great Master and super fast to stick to our deadline. Thanks again!"
"Incredibly talented, intuitive individual! Great to work with and he's a super nice guy! Definitely a great choice working with Adam!!!"
"I am super satisfied with the result of Klaas! He works super fast and brought a high quality into my mix. Especially the vocal production is awesome! Next time - Klaas again."
"Spectacular design. Though walkerdunnvisuals praised me in that I provided plenty of content for reference, I literally sent over like 4 pictures of screen shots from True Detective, Twin Peaks, and Blade Runner and w..."
"Great job as always on lead and bgs and done in a short amount of time. Always a pleasure to work with."
"Dan is genuinely kind and supportive, and a great drummer. He went out of his way to make sure I was happy with the drums. It means a lot to meet someone at his level of professionalism / accomplishment who is also a ..."