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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Malcolm Marquez
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I am a producer/DJ out of Atlanta,GA. I am half of the producer/dj/artist duo Owlcat.
My name is Wayne Rathbone. I Mix and Master in an acoustically treated room on Barefoot MicroMain27 monitors. Having worked as a recording engineer for years, back in the good old analogue days and now all “In the Box” on a digital DAW environment and amazing plugins I offer the best of both worlds with experience and knowledge.
Hey there I'm E! I'm a music producer specializing in all things loud, heavy, & modern. I'm here to help your project sound its best and to help you maximize your sonic potential. From pre-production through final master, I can help you turn your vision from idea to a commercially-ready reality. Let's make some noise!
If you've got great music with no words, I've got great words with no music.
Established producer and songwriter specialising in production, mixing, songwriting and top lining. Once a touring artist, I am now a full-time producer at Holywell Studio, London. I have years of experience in top lining during my touring days. Now at my own studio, I produce, mix and master my own music and would love to help with yours!
Mixing, mastering and more
Vocal recordings Toplines (Lyrics and/or melody) BGVs/Harmonies
Recent Successes
"Dale is great - has a great ear and is super personable. Actually gets into the songs as well. Looking forward to working with him more. "
"Great ear! No revisions needed! Thats a first for me. Josh is very efficient and definitely seems to know what people want! Was referred to him by a friend and she was very spot on. Thanks Josh!"
"Cleo, is the amazing Pianist her modern touch bring some layer and melodic fill in our song. Recommended Thank Cloe"
"Jeff is a very professional and an A grade musician.He recorded my piano tracks 100% the way I wanted with very small revision at the very first take. This was my first time using an online musician and what a great ..."
"Tom is an outstanding mastering engineer! Professional, fast and exceptional quality. "
"I've used Bruce on 5 tracks. That should tell you something. He's incredibly talented, creative, fast, and great to work with him. Hire the man."
"Daniel is truly, truly talented. But more than his talent, I was even more impressed with his professionalism. He made a passion project of mine sound like it deserved a grammy. "
"Third song done with Simon! This guy rocks! He works incredibly fast and his work is always top notch. Can't recommend him enough! Super kind guy and can't wait to work again with him soon!"
"Working with Markiss has been an exceptional experience. His professionalism and expertise are unmatched. Markiss has transformed my music into a professional-quality banger! Thank you, Markiss. I look forward to our ..."