Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Maius Mollis
Experienced music producer and mix engineer, with over 20 years experience working with independent artists and labels, specialising in working with emerging artists and artist development.
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A producer, mixer, recordist, and drummer located in New York City, David uses his wealth of musical and recording experience to bring the best out of every project he touches. His signature style manifests itself in the betterment of the artists he works with and the impeccable quality of his recorded works.
High Quality: Custom Songwriting; Mixing & Mastering; Sound Design; Scoring; Recording and more
I specialize in music production, mixing, and sound design for artists, advertising and beyond. My expertise and experience allow me to craft audio that exceeds expectations and bring any project to life.
Producer, Recording, Mixing and Mastering engineer with an Associates degree in Commercial Music: Sound Engineering
Proffesional audio engineer and composer Distinction in UAL Level 3 Diploma in Performance and Production Wide field of experience from full band recording to Foley sound and film scores
I have the means to mix and master your song(s) on any deadline.
Hi! I am an experienced singer and songwriter ready to bring your tracks to life :)
Recent Successes
"Absolutely amazing singer who understands the style of the song immediately without any trouble! I required no retakes or revisions as it was perfect the first time around.It is not often that the composer hears the m..."
"Bert is an incredibly talented producer! He was very hard working and patient with me through the whole process! It was such a honor to work with him!"
"We have worked with many musicians on SB. This was not our first job with Daniel. As a guitarist and collaborator on this platform he is in a class of his own. He is our go-to guitarist for all types of songs and he n..."
"I asked Sean to add some percussion to enhance the track and he did not disappoint! He knows how to do the exact right thing to compliment a song while keeping your vision. I love working with Sean and would recommen..."
"Hanna is a wonderful artist, it was a pleasure to work with her again. She knows how to bring magic and emotion with such rightness ! The communication was clear, and fast. Thank you so much Hanna for creating this be..."
"Four songs completed with Joe. He is super inspiring to work with, and the collaboration will continue. Highly recommended!"
"The Dopest and you can Quote this….G2Da"