Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mail Order
Orchestral scores for Film/TV and games
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I play guitar since 14 years and I am a certified audio engineer. I have an own studio near Hamburg, Germany.
As the most of you out there I do this because music is that one thing that makes us feel home in this world. So I play, compose and record. I've been doing it for more than 20 years. I would be honored to be part of your next project. So, even just to say hi, drop some lines and let's start a conversation!
Let me write your next hit record! I create radio ready records for all genres
Produced records for Peter Doherty, Omar Rodríguez-López, At the Drive-In, Faust, Alice Phoebe Lou and many more. Own and mostly works at Hamburg‘s legendary Clouds Hill Studio.
Hello Everyone
Variable vocal styles and flows...I have had vinyl around me since nearly birth, and have always valued the art and challenges of a vocal line keeping the balance and flow of all instruments in a song... including the mood the writer intended.
We are a Recording Studio in Medellin, Colombia that works with love and passion for the culture. @spacejamusic
C-a-n-n-a-b-i-s Online Dispensary
Recent Successes
"Kevin is precise, clear and extremely easy to work with. Totally fair on his prices and has a unique understanding of how to obtain what you want in your piece. I'll definitely be a repeat customer. "
"I'll definitely want to work with Camilo again! VERY professional, efficient and will bring your tunes into a amazing, professional level! I'm very satisfied with his work and let him help your music sounds better as ..."
"Two down and a million more to go. Nailed the beat and helped make the most amazing demo. What ever you need to make your song come to life...look no further. Beats on point, flows on n point and the hook made the song. "
"Hi quality Signer, nice communication, very good music taste and feeling modern waves, highly recommended!"
"LeVi is a pro songwriter. Full stop. I urge you to work with him, he will write or improve your song. A natural "
"Great work and patience from Mr. Stocker! Another solid mix/master."
"Fantastic session for lessons! Already booking more. Achilles is super approachable and knowledgeable!!"
"Yet another amazing job by Andrew. What a voice! Perfect for our alt/rock/indie type songs. Will be working with him again"