Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Made in 1985
Play with feeling.
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Music production degree Student and multi-instrumentalist, passionate and entrepreneur about music, working to establish a recording label and studio.
Creating A Perfect Escape with us...
RT Studio specialises in recording, mixing and mastering Rap, Pop and Alternative music using industry standard hardware, plugins and techniques to help bring your vision to life.
Rita is a multi-instrumentalist with 25 years of playing experience that has has been recognized by SXSW 2018, WNYC Public Radio’s Studio 360, and The Nashville Scene. Classically trained in violin, Rita currently plays a wide variety of genres including classical, indie folk, indie rock, bluegrass, and country.
Hey there! I'm Maya, a producer with more than 6 years of experience! Feel free to contact me and let's enjoy the process of turning your idea into reality!
Professional Sax- and Clarinet Player, Arranger and Keyboard Player. My years of experience and passion bring magic to your music. Forcefully Solos and Riffs in professional quality.
Hi! I’m jacob or zeff, a passionate mixing engineer with experience in bringing tracks to life.
Recent Successes
"Austin did a amazing job mixing my duos EP. We were completely satisfied with the price and quality of the work. Will definitely hire again!"
"Really nice working with Jay again. Laid down the perfect guitar rhythm and lead tracks for two more songs. Delivered technically high quality files. Had great interest in the project and excellent communication. "
"Jason is a fantastic engineer, and I look forward to working with him again. My band ultimately chose to go a different direction in the end, but that had nothing to do with Jason's work or professionalism, both of wh..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Kate. Amazing writing skills!"
"Max is a total professional with an incredible ear for producing and harmonies. Incredibly pleased with his work, and he will definitely be at the top of my list for future projects!"
"Ethan's great to work with ! , he nailed some pretty specific parts and added great harmonies.. Super friendly and a Pro !! "
"Subwig is so good, so speedy and so nice, so great to work with & will definitely again!"
"It is a privilege and big joy for me to work with Yoad. He did the first part of my album, can't wait to do the second! "
"Amazing job. We worked on 3 albums this year and it's be a smooth process every time"