Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Maaaze
Nelson Arts Mastering is your premier destination for professional audio mastering services. With a passion for sound and an unwavering commitment to excellence, I’m dedicated to bringing your music to life and enhancing its full potential.
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"Americana Queen." -Vice/Noisey "Sublime distilling of southern grit." -NPR Music. As heard in Starbucks and Nordstrom stores worldwide, Mary's work has also been featured in Rolling Stone, Billboard, and USA Today.
Marc Live owner of the Recordlabel Legends Recordings Group helps you to build your Hip Hop Music carrier. If it's just helping with unique beats or building your whole Image with producing and distribution and signing. Different options available.
Radio Ready!
Let’s work, Empower Our Artist!
LilHappyLilSad, lilhappylilsad, Lil Happy Lil Sad, lil happy lil sad, LilHappyLS, lilhappyls, Let me die, Let Me Die, Thrills, Lose You, Numb, Why u playin, Save me, Agin, Aging, Denial, Spit, Red Sand, Codes, Cold, Trash, Feel Low, Alone, Alone Pt. 2, Still Me, Kill Me Pt. 2, Star, 4 her, lil who?, Lost Galaxies, Trails End, Fate, Book Of Fate
Authentic songs and real connections
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Mixing and Mastering for OTT| Broadcast | Audio podcast.
Recent Successes
"Mark's second job for us now, and really happy with the same consistent high quality and standard. Fulfilled the brief and addressed feedback very graciously. Would recommend for jazz and pop ballad styles, in particu..."
"Great service, very flexible with revisions if there is anything that needs to be done and super high quality Definitely would recommend :)"
"Omar is so awesome and quick! Will be using him again in the future for my canvases :)"
"Within a short period of time this is now my second project with Shelley. Like in a relation ship -excel your collaboration to deliver results beyond each others expecations. Can't wait to release the work we did. Tha..."
"OMG! absolutely amazing singer!! Seriously great work. I can’t stop listening to the track :) will definitely be working with Dustin again. Great guy and WOW!"
"Jesse delivered exceptional pro level sax. Well recorded and multiple stems to choose from. Excellent work, highly recommend. "
"Great communication, perfekt mixing and mastering"
"And another song with Dave; it's just enjoyable working with him. As mentioned before, everything fits together seamlessly here. He brings fantastic ideas to the table and is simply a very professional artist."
"Great working with Gabe as always!"