Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lyrical G
Ugandan-British Hip-Hop artist | Humanitarian | Radio Host
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I'll make your songs sound amazing. Young, 10 years in the industry.
Hello, I am Music producer, Mixing & Mastering engineer, Multi - instrumentalist and piano player from Slovakia (CentralEurope). I working with the best artists in our country. I offer a professional approach and result.
Dreamy singer-songwriter from France passionate about music and harmonies !
Content Writing Services
Soy redactor para agencias de publicidad y por las noches soy beatmaker, creo música con estilos trap, hip hop o electronicos con ritmos naturales y orgánicos, en FL STUDIO.
Affordable Industry Quality! GET A FREE SAMPLE MIX
Beatmaker, Producer, Mix/Master Engineer. Can make any beat the artist desires, build your unique sound today fpr heavy replay value.
Soy un musico multi-instumentista, especializado en produccion musical y edicion de audio (Mix&Master)
Recent Successes
"Tom was very punctual with his response times and was very easy to communicate with, but his drums are even better, this is a great deal i dont think you will find a better deal on or off sound better. Will be going b..."
"We've been looking all over for a mixing engineer for our first record. Thought Matt looked promising, so we asked him to mix one song, and the result was incredibly full sounding and musical. Not only that, Matt has ..."
"This is our second song we've had the pleasure of having Jimmy work on, and it sounds amazing! Jimmy is a good guy and he is very quick to respond, super efficient at his work, and has great ears for the end goal of p..."
"Reuben is my go-to person for drums. He just delivers time and time again. He's a great listener and really nails the brief. When i'm working with a short turn around time he is so reliable. He has a natural feel that..."
"Simply the best !"
"Akior’s blend of creative drumming and technical prowess has elevated my new song. He carefully selected a great sounding set-up and his interpretation of the music exceeded expectations. Additional information abou..."