Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lyric Dubee
‘Serve the song’.
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We have build a company based for unsigned and signed artist to work and develop skill's in what they love to do music..... We delicate or time and effort into helping many kids or individuals who never had a chance to work in a studio and give them a guide. We have tons of new music and many upcoming projects..
Hello my name is Jovan Kocic and i am a music producer.
I'm rapper from chiraq Chicago making money feeding all my people and family just wanna let you know me and my gang don't play
Record metal guitars/drums/soundesign and mixing.
Anatolia Music and Anatolia Instrumentalist -instrument Name: Baglama
Entertainment services in the nature of recording, production, and post-production services in the field of music.
Attention Producers, Engineers, Publishers, Singers! I have 200 recorded country songs for your next project. I'm an expert at Comping Vocals, saving you time! Expert songwriter getting that lyric and hook just right! Demo Singer with own studio. Written, Recorded, Released 11 Country CDs.
EDM | Progressive House | Future House | Released on Revealed Recordings and Sony Music Germany. I have worked on over hundreds of songs across the industry as far as co-production, melody writing, lyric writing, and much more engineering.
Recent Successes
"Thanks to Justin for his extraordinary work, his patience and his professionalism. One of my best experiences with a mixer Thanks again"
"Excellent service, amazing to work with!"
"Austin is one very hard working, emotionally intelligent engineer. His touch is magic and he is very patient. Kudos to Austin-- he understands my style!"
"Steve managed to capture what i wanted in my production and make it his own happy with the final result not only have a i got a grate mix i have found an engineer i want to work with time and time again "
"Daramola is a great singer full of ideas. I highly recommend him."
"Philip is an indispensable part of my process. He consistently lifts my productions to where I need them to be. He's professional in his communications, and highly considered with the mix and mastering choices he make..."
"If you know about Deza, you know. If you don’t know about how great Deza is . . well . . hate to say it . . but you're missing out! Her timing, tone, ad libs, etc. . . she’s the real deal - PRO! Do yourself a favor an..."