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Louisburg Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am a BTEC Certified Pro Sound Engineer, music producer, and DJ with releases on labels such as Black Hole, Phunk Junk, Lemon Juice, In Control, Reshape Black,... that have been supported by artists like Don Diablo, Marco Carola, Paco Osuna, Vanilla Ace, Lexlay, Sean Finn, Werner, LJ Guru, and many more.
Lets Make Music!
Need an experienced musician, voice over artist, or engineer for your project? I can provide all of these services for you in a single package. I have all necessary equipment to record, edit, and produce tracks remotely at a fast turnaround rate. I am a New Orleans based musician with over 20 years of performance and production experience.
I will provide FREE demos before the project starts.
Helping you find your sound and converting your vision into streaming-ready songs!
From storytelling to punchlines spanning most to any topics I can craft lyrics for them. If you give me the beat, title you want, topic, the mood and the length of the song and I can write it. I'm a "lyrics" heavy writer so wordplay is my forte.
I specialize in mixing punchy vocals with an ethereal atmosphere. I've been producing, mixing & touring my emo/acoustic project SayWeCanFly since 2009. I have 13 years experience & 80 million streams on my original music. Let's make something great together!
I have a Masters Degree in Classical Guitar, However I also play acoustic and electric guitar.
Recent Successes
"It's always a pleasure to work with Brad. This time he was mastering my Song "Break Free" and the result was simply outstanding. He lifted my song to the next level. Great high quality result, quick turnaround and - a..."
"Another incredible master by Camilo. As always, great sound quality and above all good communication and understanding of what a song requires to excel towards a professional level. "
"Mr. Mig is a musical wizard. He has really saved some of my songs and note by note revived them. He has a brilliant ear and knows just how to make each element sound it's best. I have been working with him for over 3 ..."
"Second time working with Susannah! Incredible artists/designer who adds life to the music. Delighted I found her!"
"Nick was super quick and provided great quality guitar progressions for my project!"
"Whoa, I'm blown Kevin's production matched my vision so closely. It was such a monster to deal with that I quite doubted I could find someone who delivers. Felt really lucky that I trusted Kevin."
"Great experience working with Mark, a true communicative professional, with a very strong and versatile voice. Highly recommended!"
"Great track ! Such a nice groove , smashed it🤜🏼 bomb producer "
"great and fast communication and high quality tracks!"
"Worked on an banger with Mad Music! amazing producer and will definitely work with you again mate "