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Lotus Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I don't have any 'Grammy' nominations but that doesn't mean I can't do a major label job! I have been recording and mixing for a long time out here in Houston. So I have a lot of experience getting great bands to sound even better! If you need a quality mix for your project I would love to help. So call me dude! lol
Experienced studio and live drummer ready to record you a hip remote drum track for a bargain.
I produced tracks that racked up millions of streams on Spotify. The Chainsmokers, Hardwell, Don Diablo, Sam Feldt, Lucas & Steve and Lost Frequencies are all examples of artists that have supported my music. Looking for fresh sounding EDM or Pop music? I'm the guy you're looking for.
I'm a graduated saxophonist, I have a lot of experience in different kind of music, I have won several classical music interpretation competitions. I usually work in several disco clubs as a performer.
French Sweet Music Producer, Any Style Maker, over 15 years of experience
Interested in digging deep into video/audio streaming media tools and Love to blog, discuss and share views on the latest technologies tips, and tricks. He's also passionate about photography loves to capture the pure essence of life.
You need a company like iTrobes to give you all the solutions
Are you having trouble finding the words to your next hit song? Are you looking for a new flavor to add your style? I’m Rico Barre and i’m the guy you need! Hit Me Up Today
Recent Successes
"Working with Lynz was okay ..Not sure if she had as much confidence as you might want but not bad ..Service was a day late but overall professional .. "
"Works fast, great communications and supreme level of musical know-how. Becoming a repeat customer. "
"It was a pleasure working with Keith! He was blazing fast and gave me exactly the sax solo I needed. As a bonus, I was able to sit in on the session via Zoom so I was able to give immediate feedback and get exactly w..."
"Very professional, very efficient, and one very talented producer. No wonder he got over 3,000 reviews. A happy client here :D"
"Great singer"
"Working with Paul is always a pleasure! He is very responsive and has a very unique style to making music! I would definitely recommend him! :)"
"This man is amazing! His steel guitars and fiddle can bring that unique feeling of warmth to my tracks. His recording have unique combination of precision at the same time they do not sound "mechanical" and always hav..."
"Joe is a superb vocalist. He has a fantastic voice and a great range, and nails it when comes to the emotional interpretation of a song. Given his depth of experience working with various producers he very much unders..."
"Very professional. Great voice. Perfect for the song. I hope to work with Otto again. Highly recommend."
"A great job from Dave producing a professional mastering of my song. Thanks!"
"Ni'elle has amazing talent and she never never disappoints. We always find our way back to Ni'elle for noteworthy projects. Ni'elle's vocals are always on point and so creative. Highly recommended!"
"Incredible work here with Thomas, he has a very good voice and ear too. Outstanding work he delivered."