Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lost Love - HyunJoon Lee
South Korea Bass Player I like all genres of music and I can pull it off
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I am the "ONE STOP SHOP" of music. Hands on with your record from start to finish.
I own a Recording Studio, i have all the proper Equipment anyone would require.Can write any style for any genre of music fast, efficiently, and tasteful. i will provide 10 alternative tracks and there is no fee to send more within reason if your satisfactory is not met.I can Write any songs/structure/Arrangement/Compositions from the ground up.
With over 2.000+ mastered tracks (700+ Releases worldwide) across many electronic genres, he knows exactly what lacks in a track or how it needs to be mastered for becoming a final release with a label in accordance to the high quality standards in music industry. References: http://www.vitalimastering.com
Working with some of the biggest names in the Christian Hip Hop industry and with over 13 years experience in the field, I'm guaranteed to have your music sounding pristine and ready for radio play!
Here to get the job done!
Theatrical, emotions driven, story-telling production
I'm a pro singer+writer in multiple-genres with over 3 million streams, placements in FIFA '23 playlist, Netflix series, Booksmart (US Movie) and featurings. Need catchy hooks, quirky lyrics and a powerful but sultry voice? Holler!
I'm a self taught singer/songwriter/producer/mix&master engineer who focuses mostly on pop music.
Recent Successes
"You are a great guy, I really enjoyed working with you (to be continued). Very talented, you picked up the tune and vibes easily and gave the song a good structure and base, combined the tracks in a good way! Thanks a..."
"Working with Marcello is a Joy! Music the way it should be - Fun! I am still in awe of where he pulls his beautiful melodies and phrasings from, but they add the professionalism needed to bring each song to the next l..."
"The man knows what he is doing. I will be working with him as long as he has ears. Truth worthy and goes the extra mile. "
"Working with Ruby was great !! She is truly professional and make some great lyric ! Highly recommanded !"
"Loved working with William! He is incredibly talented and I would definitely recommend him to others! :)"
"Reed is super professional, friendly and talented. Highly recommend."
"I have tried out some online mastering services and other stuff tried doing it myself! Honestly BIIIIIG DIFFERENCE! If you want and professional mastering and don’t want to regret sending To mastering! Send it to Andr..."
"amazing response time, amazing talent. gave exactly what i hoped for & more"
"Neel really knows his stuff and always takes my tracks to the next level. Highly recommend!"
"This is the second project I asked Jim to work on. A song we had that just wasn’t quite working - and Jim supplied bass and piano - and it’s absolutely brilliant. Could not be happier - and the project was done so qui..."