Los Angeles CA U.S.A Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
Grammy nominated songwriter engineer producer
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Versatile session singer with 3.5 octave range and belt up to high G.
Drummer - Played in a few local bands; Beatmaker! Can play live or in sessions. Can provide a beat at solid price! Let's work together and share music with the world!
I have been into music for a long time and I have done a lot of gigs locally. Check out my Instagram account for a sneak peek on my projects. My Instagram Handle: @abhinav_shibu560
Music is a message passed in melodies pleasing to the ears and soul. A hit song depends on how efficiently it is passed, new ideas and perspective that leaves the listeners with only one thought 'put on repeat'. Worked with major artists in Nigeria, US and Germany. We exist to help get your message sent across the best way possible.
I like do every type of productions, from the dubstep to the trap, i like to experiment in my productions and i like to try new stuff for differentiate all my beats, i very love doing dubstep and maybe put some dubstep stuff on my trap beats for example. i can do every type of beat, i really like also do reggae, R&B and every type of music.
Hey, I'm Khalid. I have an eclectic taste in music. I can work with just about any genre. My specialities are classic rock and cinematic orchestral composing. I can take your basic idea and create the perfect musical backing, fully mixed and mastered and ready for radio release.
Hit-ready hooks, unforgettable melodies, and lyrics that stick. Let’s create your next chart-topping dance/pop anthem!
Recent Successes
"I've worked with Bruno quit a few times, and he has never let me down "AT ALL". Bruno is fast, willing and patient. I needed some adjustments got them back the next day, and like always he delivers. My song is swingin..."
"Tyler is a great singer but the process was taking a bit too long. Also the communication at the end was getting lost. It felt a bit sad because we were happy about her final work. We hope to receive the requested ma..."
"5ix was excellent to work with. Very professional, responsive with quick turnover! : ) "
"Great music producer. Working with him on a Reggaeton/Pop album was a great experience, nice big sound!"
"Roger is an amazing Producer and multi instrumentalists. I recommend him for sure and I hope to be working with him on all my next songs, which are many, coming. Thanks a lot Roger!!"
"Always five stars!!! Great melody, lyrics and easy workflow"
"Another masterpiece from Adrian. Hard to explain the power and talent he brings to my tracks. Exceptional work. "