Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with lorenzo cosi
I am multi instrumentalist (trumpet, trombone, sax) with a long experience in arranging and recording horn sections, string sections and for orchestra. I recently conducted a symphonic orchestra for award winning director Luca Guadagnino.
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Hey! Been a professional mixer for 25+ years, now also specialized in Dolby Atmos for music. What I hear all the time from my clients is that they like my sense of creating depth, warmth and feel to their mixes. Recent projects include Opeth, Ghost, The Cardigans, Roxette and Avicii. Other clients include Kent, Hellacopters, Graveyard, Soen, Dozer.
Dale Dizzle Virgo, is a record producer, musician, engineer and a young entrepreneur. He was the In-House Producer at Geejam Studios in Port Antonio, Portland - Jamaica for 10 years and now runs his own production company based in Portmore, Jamaica.
Pro Tools Certified mixing engineer with a Master's Degree in Commercial Music Composition and Arranging.
I have worked with Drummaboy, Lord Finesse, and Bink. I've shared stages with Anthony Hamilton, Dj 9th Wonder, Dwele, and Eric Roberson. I'm a Top Downtempo "Producer/Singer who can definitely get you an original Hit making sound.
Multi-genre session singer and songwriter. I can sing and write in English, Spanish and Catalan. I am committed, creative, and versatile. I’ve worked with worldwide-known artists and producers like Cher, Mark Taylor, Marco Dalla Villa and Pete Maher. Services: songwriter, session singer, top liner, lyrics translator (English/Spanish)
Producer/Songwritter/Mixer. Credits include: Meg Mac, G Flip, Fergus James, Dan Sultan, Merci, Mercy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3QCKQgC0uA2YKCkqJtz6bT?si=dIyiciGATLOm9oSfX_wbbw
I'm an electric guitar player specialized in heavy metal and modern sounds. Proficient on rhythm and lead guitar. I have worked with award winning Producers: Tue Madsen and Jesse Gander. My current band is Deathroll and a former member of Headcrusher. Last year I was invited to write and produce songs for Facebook Sound Collection.
Writing music comes from every single part of me; heart, gut, bones. I would describe my style as iconoclastic indie rock, with lyrics and vocal tones that are supported by the instrumentation. Raw, real and consistent composition. I throw myself into the story, into the life, the situation, whatever it may be, and whatever takes hold, comes out.
Recent Successes
"Most amazing experience! I can't say enough good things about working with Matthew! First off- FABULOUS BASS PLAYING that coupled with true concern from Matthew that the bass line worked with my song! What a great ex..."
"Working with Austin was a good experience... I appreciated his patience while juggling multiple projects."
"Went to Gabriele for three acoustic back tracks for me to sing over, and WOW. Everything sounded absolutely amazing the first time around, I had no changes, he nailed them all beautifully! I'm so happy I have these. Y..."
"LeVi is a super talented songwriter and singer. I've worked with him several times and each time he has done an amazing job. He will help you turn your idea into a polished finished product, and he'll do it quickly. C..."
"If you're looking to bring your song to life, don't look any further, Micah Smith is the real deal. We worked on my first single so I was a bit picky, he looked past that, and was always very professional, responsive,..."
"killer vocals , marcello really knows how to breath fire into a song"
"Cole is EXTREMELY talented. The track he produced was everything I hoped for and more. He communicated every step of the way, was quick to respond, and time frame on the final production was excellent. I hope to colla..."
"T. Row is a gift. Great communication and A1 service beautiful quality and sportsmanship. I can ensure you this is whom you’d look back on the future and will have awards with and shall not regret collaborating with. 👍"
"Paul is amazing! His response time and great advice are unmatched. The whole process was very smooth and easy. We already opened another project and I am very excited to work with him again. I certainly highly recomme..."
"Elsbeth was easy to work with and delivered just what we needed!"